An association for former students of the Sacred Heart / Cesena / Home



She was born onassociation of former students of the Sacred Heart schools of Cesena. Last March about fifty former students, from classes of 1987 to datethey found themselves in the classrooms of via Don Minzoni to remember their attendance, from nursery school to high school.

“From everyone – they report from the school – a very positive memory of the years spent at school, from a didactic, educational and also relational point of view, for the relationships created and maintained with classmates and teachers. Many have talked about the choice of enroll your children too to the Sacred Heart, a direct consequence of the personal experience”.

After that first meeting, a smaller group of former students, made up of parents from the school and others, continued to meet again, with the desire to find out if this meeting could have a response. From this desire was born the idea of ​​establishing an association of former students, which aims to be a place to collect testimonies, organize meetings and events. A place close to the Sacred Heart, but which also has a life of its own.

L’last evening of the feast of the Sacred Heartyesterday, Friday 7 June (see recalled news), was the opportunity to present the association, with the president Maria Maddalena Falaschi who talked about the work of recent months and launched the first meeting of former students that the association has decided to organize, set for Saturday 28 September. The former students present at the party yesterday were able to join the association.

In the board of directorsthe founding nucleus of the association, in addition to the president, there is the vice-president Dimitri Fusarolithe treasurer Francesco Mondardini and the other members: Alberto Acerbi, Eleonora Benvenuti, Enrico Chiudinelli, Francesco Giubilei, Francesco Griffi, Nicola Perotto, Raffaele Pianori, Federico Rossi, Eugenia Trebbi, Emanuele Zanotti.

For information you can contact the president on 328 7092500 or write an email to [email protected].

The association logo

The association logo

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