Vintage sails in Venice, an old Gardini boat wins the regatta

For the second time, at climb the general rankingand of the Principality of Monaco Trophy the Vintage Sails in the Lagoon (Bnl Bnp Paribas Wealth Management Cup) was Naïf, 1973 barca by Ivan Gardini, in Venice representing the Ravenna sailing club. «We have reached the eleventh edition with thirty-one boats on the starting line, an absolute record that demonstrates how the passion for vintage sails is in perfect harmony with the indissoluble bond that the Serenissima has with the sea” commented the promoter of the two-day event just concluded Anna Licia Balzan, honorary consul of the Principality of Monaco in Venice. The boats competing last weekend were all built between 1858 and the 2000s and confirm a now customary appointment for the owners of the most beautiful vintage sails of the upper Adriatic.

The competitions and the parade

The competitions held off the coast of Lido di Venezia were joined by a parade of a fleet of fifty vintage Riva wooden motorboats, built by engineer Carlo Riva. A glance for the public flocked to the banks of San Marco, organized for the annual tribute day desired by the Riva historical society. Also in the water were the colorful “passere”, used for fishing in the second half of the nineteenth century. «This trophy, created to promote the image of the Principality, has today become an exceptional tool to strengthen the ties between Venice and Monaco through sport – continues the honorary consul Balzan – With our regatta we want to make a significant contribution to the city, convinced that one of Venice’s greatest strengths is its ability to host events of this type, integrating them perfectly into one of the most fascinating contexts in the world”.

The award to Gerosa

The event was organized in collaboration with the PortodiMare sailing club, Salone Nautico Venezia and Vela Spa, under the sports direction of Mirko Sguario, president of the Yacht Club Venezia. New this year, the participation of Aon with a special award assigned to the heart surgeon Gino Gerosa, for his human and professional qualities and for his great passion for the sea and sailing. The awards, presented at the Arsenale, were made by the historic Murano glassworks Barovier & Toso.

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