Novarese and Vco to vote for the municipal and regional elections

Novarese and Vco to vote for the municipal and regional elections
Novarese and Vco to vote for the municipal and regional elections

On Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June 2024 in the Novara area and in the Vco there will be voting to elect over 100 new mayors. To be precise, there will be 56 in the Novara area, with Galliate the only municipality to exceed 15 thousand inhabitants and 54 in the Vco with Verbania as the large municipality.

The polling stations are open from 3pm to 11pm on Saturday 8th and from 7am to 11pm on Sunday 9th June.

Municipal elections 2024, all Novara municipalities to vote: the candidates and the lists

Municipal elections 2024, all the municipalities of the Vco to vote: the candidates and the lists

When you vote

The polls will be open from 3pm to 11pm on Saturday 8 June and from 7am to 11pm on Sunday 9 June. The only possible run-off will be in Verbania, where there are six candidates, while for Galliate the first round already represents a “ballot” as there are two candidates.

The counting of the European elections will begin immediately after 11pm on Sunday, while the counting of the municipal and regional elections will take place starting from 2pm on Monday 10 June.

As always, to vote you must show up at your polling station with a valid voter card (with at least one empty space for the stamp) and an identification document with photograph (identity card, driving licence, passport, professional card).

As regards the regional elections, there are five names running for president for Piedmont: Alberto Cirio for the centre-right, Gianna Pentenero for the centre-left, Sarah Disabato for the M5S, Francesca Frediani for Piemonte Popolare and Alberto Costanzo for Libertà.

How to vote

All municipalities are called to vote for the European and regional elections, in over 100 there will be a third ballot representing the municipal elections:

  • as regards the European elections, voting is done with a single ballot paper on which the symbols of the list will already be shown. Every voter has the right to cast a vote by drawing an X mark on the mark of the chosen list, or in the rectangle that contains it. If a mark is drawn on more than one list mark, the vote is void. No other signs must be placed on the card, otherwise the card itself will be invalidated.
  • as regards regional elections, you can vote for a presidential candidate and for his regional list, you can vote for a presidential candidate and for his regional list and for a district list connected to him, you can vote for a list constituency and finally you can vote for a presidential candidate and for his regional list and for an unconnected constituency list, separate vote. It is possible, but not obligatory, to express up to a maximum of two preferences. In the case of more than one preference, however, the preferences must concern candidates of different sex, under penalty of cancellation of the second in the case of preferences for candidates of the same sex. The candidate who obtains the most votes is elected president
  • as far as municipal elections are concerned, those registered on the electoral lists who have reached the age of 18 vote. Voting can be done by showing up in person at the electoral office of the municipality in which you are registered. For those unable to reach the polling stations, each municipality will provide a home voting service. For municipal elections you vote with a single ballot and the situation varies depending on the number of inhabitants, more or less than 15 thousand

The Novara people for the European and regional elections

Novara is also there in the elections regarding the European and regional elections. In the first case there are five candidates; for the regional elections, however, there are many people from Novara and those from the Vco.

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