Novara: applause for the young actors of the Antonelli high school

Novara: applause for the young actors of the Antonelli high school
Novara: applause for the young actors of the Antonelli high school

On Friday 31 May 2024, an enthusiastic group of Antonelli students gave life to an exciting representation of the legendary figure of the Plautine miser, staging the Aulularia in the theater hall of the Pellegrina Madonna.

Novara: applause for the young actors of the Antonelli high school

The director of the institute is satisfied Silvana Romeo: “The kids brought their freshness and their sense of duty – he comments – but the dedication and professionalism of the teacher certainly played a fundamental role Maria Lucia De Vanna and the teacher Roberto Lombardi of the Limelight”.

“It was a wonderful initiative – continues the manager – which originated within the LAIVin project, promoted by the Cariplo foundation through a tender, aimed at schools to support musical and theater workshops, to which Antonelli has already joined since 2021 -2022. The high school believes in theatrical activity as a valid form of integrative teaching, useful for strengthening both the relational aspects of our children and the more purely educational and cultural ones”.

Romeo highlights how relationships between young people have become increasingly complex and multifaceted also due to digital tools, which often limit direct discussion and make opportunities for discussion more complicated. “On Friday, however – he comments – I saw a close-knit group who, through acting, gestures and extraordinary complicity, learned to be together, expressing their emotions and breaking down many personal and social barriers (shyness, loneliness, boredom, etc. .)”.

Finally, the manager places emphasis on the excellent result obtained: “What these kids have done is an act of exceptional maturity: despite their study commitments (many of them are in their final year) they have given everyone a real lesson in life, demonstrating that playing to the bottom, for those who are just starting out in life, cannot be a winning choice. Difficult and discouraged moments are therefore welcome: our kids have taught us that having a lot to do and facing difficulties together can. become the tool with which to strengthen oneself and be ready to face the future with the right determination”.

“Thank you guys – ends Romeo – on Friday you reiterated to me that every goal can be achieved with determination and courage; and the small goals of our everyday life will necessarily become the full realization of our desires because we will have become stronger and more aware”.

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