Pres. Gubbio: “Tomorrow I should meet with Degli Esposti. And clarify everything”

Pres. Gubbio: “Tomorrow I should meet with Degli Esposti. And clarify everything”
Pres. Gubbio: “Tomorrow I should meet with Degli Esposti. And clarify everything”

We’ve been talking about it since yesterday possible arrival of Sports Director Alessandro Degli Esposti at Gubbio, and the manager’s farewell to Casertana, announced this morning by the Campania club, is a strong indication in this sense. More or less confirmed by president of the Gubbio club Sauro Notariwho spoke today during the TRG Channel 13.

Here are his words: “We are in the final stages, we have in mind who could be Davide Mignemi’s replacement – we read on -. I hope to make as few mistakes as possible because the former director has done a very important job. He left for family reasons, he still had a year left on his contract but I don’t force anyone to stay. Of the Exposed? We had conversations with 8-9 people (as we anticipated, ed.), at the moment the shortlist is limited to a few names and Degli Esposti is one of the first. Tomorrow we should meet and clarify everything.”

And then the final note on the coach: “With Piero Braglia we hugged and said goodbye, for the succession I have in mind a young but at the same time expert coach who already knows the category. I have a couple of names on the list and we’ll see what happens “.

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