Poste Italiane’s “Follow me” service also in Molise

Dedicated to individuals and companies, the service can be customized and used both in the event of a permanent and temporary transfer

REGION – The arrival of correspondence at the company headquarters or at a private residence in a tourist location, respectively open or used exclusively during the summer period or simply the forwarding of mail to the new domicile to which one has moved with all or part of the family of it will no longer be a problem.

Thanks to Poste Italiane’s “Follow me” service, in fact, in the event of a permanent or temporary transfer, private citizens or companies will be able to receive correspondence destined for the old address at a new address, both in Italy and abroad.

The service, also available in Molise, can be customized by choosing the type of correspondence to be re-forwarded using the “All Mail” or “Signature Mail Only” options (available exclusively for Italy), the validity period ( 3, 6 and 12 months), of the possible extension to the cohabitants of the family unit or by deciding to re-forward it to a physical address or to a post office box.

“Seguimi” can be subscribed to in all 167 post offices in Molise and online. In the first case it is also possible to fill out the “Customer Form” available on the Poste website in advance, print it and present it at the counter at the chosen office.

To activate online, it is sufficient to be registered on the website and have a SPID-enabled PosteID, or a mobile phone certified by Poste Italiane or an identification document. In the case of cohabiting family members, the “Family delegation for online activation” form must also be completed (downloadable from the site). Payment can be made by credit card, PostePay card or BancoPosta account.

For further information and the list of post offices enabled for the service, you can consult the pages and /products/service-followme.html.

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