Artistic foray into the night in Udine

Artistic foray into the night in Udine
Artistic foray into the night in Udine

He arrives and strikes also in Udine: twenty-fourth performance of Freak of Naturea green artist who brands abandoned buildings, also took action in the Friulian capital during the night between Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd July. 140 shops with the characteristic bamboo feature have been registered and numbered: they represent only a part of the numerous abandoned businesses in the historic center of the city, after Vicenza with 90 branded businesses, Padua with 125, Belluno with 60, Bassano del Grappa with 50+123, Venice with 130, Rovigo with 85, Mestre with 145, Dueville with 30, Treviso with 70, Verona with 100, Ferrara with 105, Parma with 70, Schio with 80, Modena with 80, Castelfranco Veneto with 80, Reggio Emilia with 140, Mantua with 100, Bergamo with 95, Brescia with 137, Milan with 165, Pordenone with 90 and Bologna with 80 and Monza with 52, for a total of 2420 shop windows.

The gallery of some of the Freak of Nature branded stores


The aim is to bring the many issues under the spotlight of citizens, administrators, trade associations and the media vacant businessesabandoned shops that now surround us, become non-places, inducing a social reflection. The writing “sfitto”, accompanied by the green signs of bamboo in different shades, which characterize the poetic mural of Freak of Nature, are an intervention of denunciation that does not cause any damage (the colors are water-based and can be cleaned with a sponge) but induces citizens to see and reflect on what is happening in the vast majority of Italian cities: the economic crisis, too many empty spaces, loss of identity of the city, depopulation, urban and human degradation, failure to integratein cities that are losing their sense of being on a human scale. The artist took advantage of being in the area, since he will be present at the Sexto ‘Nplugged music festival in the lounge area: every night, in addition to the site-specific installation, he will do a surprise performance where he will literally paint on the bodies and clothes of those who want it

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