Recognition of the State of Palestine: Schierarsi signature collection delivered

Recognition of the State of Palestine: Schierarsi signature collection delivered
Recognition of the State of Palestine: Schierarsi signature collection delivered


“Exactly five months after the launch of the collection of signatures in favor of the popular initiative law for the recognition of the State of Palestine, on 28 June the Schierarsi Association officially delivered approximately 80,000 signatures to the Senate, far exceeding the fifty thousand signatures required by law”. Thus the Piazza di Benevento of the Schierarsi Association continues: “The Piazza di Benevento testified to its presence in Rome to share this extraordinary moment together with Alessandro Di Battista, founder of the Association, the promoting members and activists coming from all over of Italy.
Our city contributed to the achievement of this considerable result by collecting almost 600 signatures.
A heartfelt thank you goes to every person who joined us for this just cause, ideally composing a human chain of active citizenship useful for the realization of such an important objective.
The massive participation of citizens at the banquets set up throughout Italy is the clear sign that, while the growing abstention from voting is a symptom of the tearing of the social pact between citizens and institutions, popular participation returns to revive when citizens feel involved.
The Palestinian people are suffering an unprecedented massacre and Italy inexplicably still does not recognize Palestine as a sovereign state. Our bill is a necessary act to help stop the genocide.”

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