Energy packages. The provincial secretariats of the unions to protect operators

L’AQUILA – “Yesterday we were informed that it would seem necessary to compile a paper summary regarding the management of calls to report in detail what would be the sales proposals for the energy packages and the results obtained by the individual employee. In the same way it would seem that the reports carried out and above all the results obtained should be one of the company indices for renewing contracts together with the percentage of sickness requested by workers.

This leaves us perplexed and dumbfounded for more than one reason, but above all because as trade unions we considered the harmonization of the contract a starting point and not a point of arrival, trying to establish objectives of common interest in the last meeting with the Agency. First among these is the stabilization of the operators who to date have played a fundamental role in the start-up of a new business and who have been the driving force behind the growth of the Company, ensuring the quality and levels of service required by the Client. It therefore seems somewhat specious to place the worker in front of blackmail based on the need not to be absent and on the reporting of the individual’s result to be obtained within each call to be reported to the Managers.

We would not like to have to remind the Company that workers’ rights are still closely connected to the Telecommunications National Collective Labor Agreement and the Workers’ Statute. Neither of the two protection bodies seems to have been repealed and we are not aware of any level II agreements signed in order to modify what is stated in them. Or are we perhaps faced with the law of the strongest where those who hold the bargaining power feel they can undermine the working and psychological serenity of employees? To date, we are not aware of the repeal of the provisions of art. 4 of the Workers’ Statute regarding the prevention of remote control of the individual operator and we would not like to be forced to turn to the competent bodies to request a formal opinion. Equally, it remains far from our key principles to devise “tricks” to avoid too many absences, damaging the right of employees to access the illness while respecting the days established by the CCNL to prevent them from affecting contractual renewals”. Thus the Provincial Secretariats Slc Cgil, Fistel Cisl, Uilcom Uil and Ugl Telecommunications.

“We also hope that those who define the operators as “lemons to squeeze” or “useless workers who do not sell what is requested” even threatening dismissal are exaggerations and rumors. No less, we would like to remind the Company that the undersigned OOSS have requested to valorise not only the work of the operators who deserve concrete renewals exceeding 30 days even just to allow the correct planning of holidays and the life-work combination, but also the role and tasks carried out by the TLs who to date remain anchored to the IVth level in defiance of what is foreseen, in fact, by the current reference Contract.

We will continue to maintain a more than high level of attention on what seems to be happening in the Company also in view of the next meeting on June 19th which we had to request again to address topics that we considered unfocused (the alternation of shifts, planning and outcome of the summer holidays and the previous year and shift changes) which to date are still managed week by week and in a cumbersome way”, conclude the Provincial Secretariats in a statement.

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