Reggio Calabria: notice for Administrative-Accounting Manager

It was published today, 4 June 2024, on the website of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria, “an exploratory notice for the assignment of the assignment to full time And determined of duration not exceeding that of the mandate of the MayorOf Manager of Administrative-Accounting Area, pursuant to art. 110 paragraph 1 of the legislative decree legislative decree 267/2000“.

“Prot. 03/06/2024.0140873.I – published on the Notice Board on 03-06-2024 with publication no. 3500/2024, the Mayor having seen the resolution of the Municipal Council no. 99 of 05/31/2024 with which the INTEGRATED ACTIVITY AND ORGANIZATION PLAN (PIAO) for the three-year period 2024-2026 was approved, including the program of personnel needs for the same three-year period and the forecasts of the resources to be recruited for the the current year, together with the indication of the relevant procedures;”

“Given that the aforementioned provisions of the PIAO as approved above also include thehiring of n. 1 administrative-accounting area manager with full-time and fixed-term contract, ex art. 110, paragraph 1, of the TUEL approved with Legislative Decree 267/2000 and subsequent amendments, to cover the position currently not covered by the permanent manager, due to his placement on temporary leave until the duration of the current position of general director of the organisation, pursuant to art. 108 of the TUEL;”

“It makes it known that the Municipality of Reggio Calabria intends to proceed with the formation of a list of candidates from which to draw for recruitment no. 1 administrative-accounting area manager unit to be hired with a full-time and fixed-term contract, pursuant to art. 110, paragraph 1, of the TUEL approved with Legislative Decree 267/2000 and subsequent amendments, of a duration not exceeding that of the Mayor’s mandate”.

“The application, drawn up on plain paper and signed by the candidate handwritten or with digital signature, as well as accompanied by the documentation as requested above, must be addressed to the Mayor’s Office and must reach the Municipality of Reggio Calabria within the peremptory deadline of June 18, 2024 – 1.00 pmusing one of the following methods:

1) directly (by hand) to the Protocol Office of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria located in Piazza Italia (RC);

2) by certified mail (PEC) to the following address:[email protected]

Applications received via other shipping and delivery methods other than those indicated in points 1) and 2) above will not be taken into consideration.

Applications must reach the municipality of Reggio Calabria by the expiry date of this notice, proven by the date stamp of the municipal protocol office in the case of hand delivery, or by the date and time of arrival to the certified email provider of the Institution in the case of shipment by certified email.

The full version of the Notice and all attachments can be downloaded from the section Transparent Administration.

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