Bad weather, violent storm in Turin: large hail and storms


Last day of instability in the North before a comeback of the anticyclone. But the phenomena are still violent. As the storm which hit the western and northern neighborhoods of Turin and on the localities north of the capital, provoking hail and heavy rain. The hail also reached large dimensions in Turin, causing damage to car windows. Strong cloudbursts are also hitting the area, which so far have discharged 61mm at Audi Plan, 24mm in Varisella, 23mm in Viù, 17mm in Pinerolo, 14mm in Venaria, Avigliana, Parella, 12mm in Coazze.

In addition to the Turin area, the storms are causing storms and hailstorms also in the lower Canavese and between the upper Biellese and Alto Vercellese.

Storm with hail hits Turin

Today’s hailstorm in Turin

Thunderstorm over Turin: hail in the city

Strong storm hits Turin

The images of the storm over Turin

Thunderstorm with hail in Cascina Vica, a hamlet of Rivoli

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