Murgo and Marasco: Our values, our priorities: the person, the most fragile, equal treatment, family, modern and united city and economic growth

Murgo and Marasco: Our values, our priorities: the person, the most fragile, equal treatment, family, modern and united city and economic growth
Murgo and Marasco: Our values, our priorities: the person, the most fragile, equal treatment, family, modern and united city and economic growth

Dearest fellow citizen, dearest fellow citizen,

we take the liberty of asking you for a few minutes of attention.

In a few days, on 8 and 9 June, there will be elections for the renewal of the municipal administration.
It is an important appointment, since through some choices that will be made on that occasion, the foundations will be laid for what Manfredonia will be like in the near future.
The vote of each citizen will be decisive in wanting to improve our beloved city and its various sectors. Coma for example in schools and social services, in facilities for children and the elderly, in public works, in planning the best for our city.

A strong responsibility weighs on the shoulders of future administrators: in recent years our city has unfortunately gone through one of the darkest periods in its history.
The economic crisis enters our homes and many people see their jobs in danger. In this emergency, the Municipality will have to do the best it can to support families who struggle to make ends meet, as well as to help businesses get back to work.
We firmly believe that if you sow solidarity and use reason, you reap democracy and well-being.
We are certain that this way of working will bear good fruit and must continue stronger than before. The objective is to ensure that every person who lives in Manfredonia feels that they can count on their municipality and can say: “I am proud to be a Manfredonian”.
Having said that, we are firmly convinced that to improve our city we need to have the right values. And we will be in defense of our valuesof everyone’s values.

Our values ​​which are: pride for our city, after several years traveling around Italy and the world for study and work we realized that Manfredonia is the love that any Manfredonian has for their city it is infinite. It always remains one of the most beautiful cities in the world and we are proud to belong to this city.

We believe that the person be the principle and purpose of every political community, the only source of its legitimacy. Authentic justice and authentic solidarity cannot exist if the freedom of every single person is not recognized as the founding principle of a community. We believe that society and the Municipality must serve the person and the common good. People have the right to achieve their goals based on ability and commitment. We believe that politics has the task of supporting the life and activity of people and families, not of destroying or absorbing them.

Our values ​​are based on the principles of economic effectiveness, competition, personal responsibility, indivisible from the duty of solidarity and social protection. These principles are even more valid in light of the rapid transformations linked to technology, the globalization of economic processes, and increasingly rapid socio-cultural transformations. The challenge we face and which we must overcome is in fact that of harmoniously blending new market trends, economic dynamism and respect for the individual. We want a society in which everyone can enjoy an adequate standard of living. Not a city divided between rich and poor, between strong and weak.

We are convinced that society and institutions have a substantial obligation to help those who are more fragile enabling him to achieve his objectives. We think in particular that strong actions to defend are still essential effective equality between men and women, to make it easier for women to access work and positions of higher responsibility in the public and private sectors. Let’s consider the family as the foundation of our society. In a difficult context like the current one, families are also a valuable subject of common and convenient strength since they approach public structures, balancing their limits in the implementation of social policies. The family must therefore be defended, also because it is very important for the weakest people, for the elderly, for the disabled, for young people without work. We are certain that the family has the obligation and precious duty to educate children and adolescents. With this vision we consider that good effects can be achieved by reducing the tax burden for families in relation to the number of family members, starting with children.

Our dream for Manfredonia is a more modern, free, fair, thriving, genuinely united city. We have learned that our values ​​are linked to the most honest memory of our city. We are proud and aware that Together we could lead the city towards a better future. Our proposal is for a city in which all citizens identify and where everyone loves their own city, because if for sailors the ship becomes the common home of all sailors, the city is the common home of all, without differentiations. We want a city of serious people, capable of taking their future into their own hands, of being able to choose an honest job, of raising their children according to their own values ​​and ideas. We want a city in which all young people, without social class discrimination, go to school to obtain a quality diploma or degree. Our hope is to have a society in which young people have a job, which allows them to soon be self-employed and build a family. We are for a society where no one is left behind. Because every individual has a very precious value, and because the well-being of each citizen indicates the well-being of all citizens, the well-being of the entire city. Obviously our dream cannot come true if it is not there economic growth as without it social problems cannot be solved and all citizens cannot be guaranteed the services to which they are entitled. There is a long journey ahead of us. A path of civil responsibility, in which rights and duties are recomposed as faces of the same coin.

We ask for the support of citizens, women and men who love our city and to defend these values ​​and to materialize these proposals.

On 8 and 9 June 2024 for the administrative elections of Manfredonia, vote for MARASCO and MURGO in the “PROTAGONIST CITY” list with Galli as mayor.

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