The victory over Braccio – L’Aquila is recalled

THE EAGLE. Six hundred years ago the people of L’Aquila managed to break the siege that lasted 13 months and in a battle in an area south-east of L’Aquila, they found the strength to defeat the armies of Fortebraccio da Montone in command of what was the most powerful army of the time. That victory, which put an end to Fortebraccio’s aims over Central Italy, was recalled in the two-day event organized by the Compagnia Rosso d’Aquila. Numerous historical groups participated in the event, the White Company of Livorno, the MonteBodio Brigade of Ostro, (Ancona), the Medieval Fancing association of Terni, the Mos Ferri company of Rieti and the Chiarine of Narni. But, above all, the representatives of Perugia, home of Andrea Fortebraccio who went down in history as Braccio da Montone, the Perugia 1416 Association and the Grifoncello company were present. And precisely from the meeting between the companies from Perugia, which have been studying the figure of Braccio da Montone for years, and those from L’Aquila, which on the contrary are studying the details of the battle which led to the death of the leader, came the words to remember that beyond of the battles of the past, today there is no alternative to peace. Words sealed by the gift from the Umbrians of a gold leaf plaque. Furthermore, during the event, the civic action group Jemo ‘nnanzi in turn donated a plaque to the Municipality of L’Aquila in memory of the 600 years of the battle. The councilor received the gift Manuela Tursini. “The Municipality will decide where to place this large plaque,” ​​said the promoter of the civic action group, Cesare Ianniduring the donation of the slab engraved with the words of an anonymous text from the 15th century. (rp)

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