The Circulating Book Library inaugurated in Viareggio

The “Circulating Book Library” was officially inaugurated at sunset on Saturday 1 June 2024. It is a small wooden bookcase inside which you can place or remove (free of charge) books of all kinds. The only condition is that the volumes “circulate” and with them the words and stories they contain spread. The idea (and the creation of the structure) came from Michela Lazzari who made use of the technical collaboration of Lorenzo Paoli, the graphic and communication support of Alessandro Pasquinucci and the manual and moral support of Stefano Pasquinucci. There are already many books available which, as Michela’s birthday present, were requested and brought by a wonderful group of Friends.

The LibroTeca, around which events, meetings, initiatives, games and surprises will also circulate, is located in Viareggio on a low wall on via Nicola Pisano and via Luigi Morandi, right under the sign for the street named after Morandi. Yes, but who was he? Actually there are two (and both are fine). The first was a Florentine partisan decorated with the Gold Medal for Military Valor in memory who created an information service known as Radio CORA. The second, however, born in Todi in 1844, was a Garibaldi volunteer, founder of the very first libraries for the People, called, precisely, “circulating”.

You can find LibroTeca and its social networks on the @librotecacircolante pages.

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