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Mr. Arbitrium at the church of San Francesco Del Prato: dismantling on 4 June

Mr. Arbitrium at the church of San Francesco Del Prato: dismantling on 4 June
Mr. Arbitrium at the church of San Francesco Del Prato: dismantling on 4 June

It will be dismantled tomorrow (June 4) Mr. Arbitriumthe five-metre giant by the sculptor Emanuele Giannelli, which has been standing out on the façade of the Sanctuary of San Francesco del Prato since early April as part of the Parma 360 Festival.
Mr. Arbitrium, the giant who “pushes or supports” returns home, to Seravezza, in Versilia, and will soon be hosted in Sicily, in Ortigia.
With the Parma stop, Giannelli’s work for the first time confronted itself with a Franciscan place, with the peculiar history of this Parma church and measured itself with the vocation of Francis of Assisi who felt called to San Damiano: “Go and repair my house, which is all in ruins.”
Many visitors, citizens and tourists had the opportunity to appreciate the scenographic and provocative sculpture and stopped to reflect on the intrinsic message of the work: supporting or pushing traditions, the past, religion? Support and defend the millenary history and culture of the West, or push for change or move elsewhere what we receive from our past? A more important stimulus than ever to reflect on the founding values ​​of our society and civilization.

The installation of Mr. Arbitrium at the Church of San Francesco del Prato was possible thanks to the welcome of the Franciscan Community and the University of Parma and the collaboration of Parma Palatina, a cultural association that supports and encourages culture in the area and thanks to the support of the associates CUBO Parma, Bequadro Restaurant & Sound, Gioielleria Carboni, AZETA, FARMA Ascensori, Assiparma srl.

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