“Fofana said yes! The negotiations with Monaco and the Rabiot trail

“Fofana said yes! The negotiations with Monaco and the Rabiot trail
“Fofana said yes! The negotiations with Monaco and the Rabiot trail

Niccolò Ceccarini has delved into the market issues related to Milan, highlighting relevant details of the negotiations for Fofana and Rabiot.

In addition to the new 9 to give to Fonseca, Milan will take care of renewing the midfield with the inclusion of at least one, if not two, valuable elements that can raise the technical level of the Rossoneri squad. In recent days, the transfer market radio has underlined Milan’s interest in Monaco’s Fofana, an interest that is increasingly taking shape and consistency. Niccolò Ceccarini, in his editorial for TuttoMercatoWeb, has delved into the topic, revealing a further detail in the negotiations between Milan, the player and Monaco.

Fofana said yes to Milan

“However, the club intends to strengthen the midfield as well and here the option that more than any other should be taken into account is that of Fofana. The Frenchman, busy at Euro 2024, is highly sought after but Milan has received the player’s approval. The problem at the moment remains Monaco’s request, which wants 25 million euros. The Rossoneri do not intend to go above 18, perhaps including bonuses, by virtue of only one more year of contract”. We were not just talking about Fofana, the market expert has in fact underlined that “the axis between Milan and Chelsea, which in recent years has led to several deals, remains hot also on the front of Chukwuemeka, another midfielder, born in 2003, who is very popular. The Rossoneri management is trying to convince Chelsea, who however are not interested in a loan with option. And so the discussion could develop only in front of the hypothesis of a conditional obligation. Milan have also made an enquiry for Rabiot”.

Adrien Rabiot

Attacker Chapter

Talking about ZirkzeeNiccolò Ceccarini underlined that “The Rossoneri have always had him as their first target in attack but the assault to close the deal was blocked on the commissions and also on the Dutch striker’s decision to wait until the end of the European adventure. This is how Milan started to keep other leads hot. Dovbyk is one of these, even if Girona would like to cash in on the value of the termination clause of 40 million euros, which is also the same as that of Zirkzee. Another name to always keep in mind is Lukakuwho remains on the way out of Chelsea. But not only him. The Rossoneri club among others is also evaluating Abrahamthat Roma can sell if faced with a suitable offer. And so there are various paths open while waiting to understand which is the right one to take. Without forgetting that Zirkzee for a thousand reasons remains the first choice and as long as there is even just one possibility Milan will try to take him”.

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