“No complaints in Athens, just a lot of regret. I’m not worried about who the coach will be but the players who will arrive, Palladino ok but Florence is not Monza”

“No complaints in Athens, just a lot of regret. I’m not worried about who the coach will be but the players who will arrive, Palladino ok but Florence is not Monza”
“No complaints in Athens, just a lot of regret. I’m not worried about who the coach will be but the players who will arrive, Palladino ok but Florence is not Monza”

This afternoon the former defender of Fiorentina Celeste Pinduring a connection with Sports Radiohad the opportunity to analyze the team’s season finale Vincenzo Italiano. This is an excerpt of his words:

“I hope that Palladino is a coach profile suited to the club, to the squad of players he will have at his disposal and to the square of Florence. I always consider the coach the last link: first there are the club and the players. A young coach like him can do well in Florence but at the moment we need players, and the club takes the players. If alchemy were to arise, it could be done very well, without prejudice to the fact that in the last 3 years of Italian football, Fiorentina has done something very important. He made thirty and could have made thirty-one, this is because the three lost finals call for revenge. However, the Sicilian coach gave team play and an identity to Fiorentina, and I hope this continues into the future.”

“Ok Palladino but we must remember that Florence is not Monza”

He continued: “When you play three seasons without an important striker capable of scoring regularly, it becomes difficult to achieve even these objectives. It’s a fact. I believe there is a team to be re-founded, which is why the management will have to ensure that Palladino, who did very well in Monza, has the chance to confirm himself in Florence. Florence is different from Monza, we go from fighting for salvation to aiming for European positions”.

“But what a protest, the fans deserve more”

He then concluded by analyzing the protest of the Viola fans after the final in Athens: “I have experienced many protests in my career, and I can say that at this moment it doesn’t seem to me that the Viola fans want to protest the team. I believe there is a need for clarity: Florence wants to understand what the real ambitions of this company are. I was present in Athens and I saw a very disappointing match, especially in the singles, I didn’t see the right attitude on the pitch. There were many of us at the stadium and the regret was maximum, when you think from your gut it’s normal to have an outburst. The opposite would have been worse”.

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