ASL Salerno, shortage of staff, CISL FP: forced into a state of agitation

ASL Salerno, shortage of staff, CISL FP: forced into a state of agitation
ASL Salerno, shortage of staff, CISL FP: forced into a state of agitation


“Unfortunately, despite numerous reports forwarded to the top management of the Via Nizza Health Authority regarding the serious shortage of personnel in the sector, unfortunately we note that to date no recruitment procedure has been successful – declares the Provincial Secretary of the CISL FP of Salerno – Alfonso Della Porta -. Specifically, following the remodulation of services with the blocking of overtime hours, the ASL is unable to guarantee the Minimum Levels of Assistance and all this, with the entry of the summer season and therefore with the mandatory holidays that the staff will have to take, maternity leave, various absences and retirements, the departments risk merging or even closure. We are aware that the institution is making countless efforts but without an effective solution made clear in recent months that an urgent recruitment plan for nursing staff, socio-health workers and many other key figures for the maintenance of the local healthcare system was needed, since already in ordinary times overtime hours were carried out for a real need, but unfortunately we have had no concrete feedback other than the commitment to start the procedures. Above all, the Corporate Health Strategic Management does not show that it has full awareness of the situations in which the organisation’s structures find themselves as it legitimizes and assists without assuming direct responsibility for various and differentiating intervention strategies by the managers of hospitals and health districts. If on the one hand some healthcare managers merge departments, others leave everything unchanged with serious risk to the maintenance but above all to the quality of care. On the other hand, even in some hospital complexes, departments are reopened with the same staff, thus further worsening the already precarious conditions of the entire structure. We are aware that there is only one path left to take to protect the many operators, that is to consult with the workers to establish all the possible actions to be implemented, and this is why we have organized a timetable of all the meetings that we will hold meetings in all the health facilities of the Salerno ASL starting from the Battipaglia garrison from 4 June, which will be organized in all workplaces. We are sure that if the strategic management, especially the health one, of the ASL does not give us effective feedback and start a close discussion on employment trends, we will be forced to activate the state of agitation of all the staff and we will certainly be forced to call the strike of all the staff of the sector and of the technical, professional and administrative management – concludes the provincial secretary Alfonso Della, Porta”.

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