From all over Piedmont 400 children in Turin for the new Youth Games

From all over Piedmont 400 children in Turin for the new Youth Games
From all over Piedmont 400 children in Turin for the new Youth Games

A return to the past full of innovation with the reintroduction of the Youth Games, which were held this morning in Turin at Parco Ruffini. Participated 16 fourth and fifth classes of primary schools, two for each province of Piedmont, for a total of 400 children.

The initiative, strongly supported by the Ministry of Education and Merit, was carried out in collaboration with the Ministry for Sport and Youth, and the Ministries of Health, Agriculture, the Environment and Disabilities. The objective of the experimental recreational educational path, in fact, is also to promote sport as a means of social inclusion and integration. THE games involved all the regional capitals in a single moment of sport and solidarity.

At Ruffini Park, as in the other locations, the races were not competitive. Jump rope, roverino, base ball, relay. A metaphorical train that passed through 16 stations, allowing young athletes to compete in all abilities. No winner, because the real victory is being there, participating and being together.

On this rare sunny day, for three hours of play the children felt part of something indiscriminately, free to express themselves to the best of their abilities. Children like Beatrice who would like to become a dance champion, Edoardo who practices skiing, cycling, tennis and “sometimes athletics”, and Adam, who plays basketball and football, and who really liked the running race. Sharon, on the other hand, although she feels more suited to artistic gymnastics, she had a lot of fun during the prison ball.

Great acclaim from the children, but even the teachers declare themselves satisfied. «The children were enthusiastic and so were we, we really hope that it can be repeated next year” declared Annalisa Pagani, teacher at Don Milani in Trecate. After the games, the little participants were greeted by the Sports Councilor Mimmo Carretta and had their moment of glory on the stage set up in the middle of the tree-lined avenue, where they were rewarded for their participation with colorful backpacks and gadgets.

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