the request of the councilor Massimiliano Manuel of FdI

The news of release from seizure of the Politeama Verdi of Carrara was welcomed with pleasure by the local coordination of Fratelli d’Italia and by councilor Massimiliano Manuel, FdI group leader in the city council who made some requests to the administration: “We are confident in a serious and concrete program on its recovery for the return to the city of a place and a strongly identifying symbol. After decades of tormented judicial events, the time has finally come to intervene and erase the disfigurement that has disfigured the historic building, to transform one of the main city squares into a meeting place. To this end we ask that the municipal administration take an active part in promoting recovery interventions of the entire building complex, which also involve the part now used as a car park.

Fratelli d’Italia calls for a serious discussion on this which includes an overall revitalization plan for the historic centre, a new parking plan, all aimed at giving new impetus to commercial activities. In the opinion of Fratelli d’Italia, everyone must be committed to urgently finding solutions aimed at reversing the trend towards the closure of historic commercial activities which, year after year, decide to raise the white flag or move to other shores. For all these reasons, Fratelli d’Italia asks that Piazza Matteotti be a topic of serious discussion among all political forces and with the involvement of citizens and commercial operators for its destination not only as a place of rest and weekly market but that it becomes or returns to be a square equipped for aggregation that can be enjoyed by citizens, especially children and the elderly, and an engine to reawaken the pleasure of experiencing historic Carrara.”

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