In Tuscany 26 lots at auction by the Banca Nazionale delle Terre Agricole. Coldiretti Tuscany, Opportunities for young people

FLORENCE – More than 1,800 hectares of new agricultural land auctioned by Ismea to encourage the reorganization and relaunch of Italian agriculture, promote the creation of agricultural businesses and enhance the territories. There are 26 lots proposed in Tuscany within the Banca Nazionale delle Terre Agricole for a total starting auction value of approximately 11 million euros.

This was stated by Coldiretti Toscana on the occasion of the opening of the deadlines for sending expressions of interest on 31 May. “Access to land and credit are the main critical issues that young people who want to open a farm encounter. – explains Letizia Cesani, President of Coldiretti Tuscany – The lack of land capital, land, and the costs of purchasing them, are often insurmountable obstacles that frustrate many boys and girls who have to leave without any dowry. Sometimes these walls are insurmountable with the result that many entrepreneurial projects remain on paper. With the seventh Ismea call, driven by a series of benefits provided for young people, twenty-six new agricultural companies could be born in our region. Businesses but also new jobs which are fundamental to encourage generational change in our countryside where there is a great need for minds and arms”.

The land up for auction is concentrated in five provinces. The main one is the Maremma where 14 lands are located for a total of 500 hectares for an auction price of 4.5 million euros. 5 lands are located in the province of Siena with 178 hectares and a total starting price of 1.9 million euros and 4 in the province of Arezzo with 790 hectares and a starting price of 3.2 million euros. Finally Florence with a maxi plot of 358 hectares in Marradi with a starting value of 584 thousand euros and Massa Carrara with a small plot of 7.56 hectares in Fivizzano for which just under 50 thousand euros would be sufficient.

In the event of an award for the first 3 sales attempts, the price may be paid in installments. The payment installments will be semi-annual and the repayment plan is set for a maximum period of 30 years. Requirements, participation methods and sales criteria are available at the dedicated link on the website

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