Basketball: Serie B Int. Playoff final (game 1). Orlandina, crazy “remuntada”. It’s 1-0 with Ragusa

Down by 10 points with 1’40” to go, Orlandina comes out with a 10-0 run that takes them to overtime where the opponent scores just 1 point while the Biancazzurri fly and win game 1 of the playoff final of the Southern Conference of the Interregional Serie B championship. Here is the incredible epilogue of a derby that started uphill for the biancazzurri (-16 in the first quarter), then also -18, then the slow recovery (-8 in the second quarter, -4 in the third) before the finale. The group was decisive on an evening where the defenses prevailed, JASAITIS (photo above releases the triple of -2) decisive in the final. Praise and honors to an extraordinary audience: a full “Arena Infodrive” and, above all, continuous cheering and warmth that influenced the bitter final in Ragusa, now sure of winning. First match-ball for the promotion on Wednesday in Ragusa, in which case the “beautiful” next Sunday in Capo d’Orlando will decide. Scoreboard, report, photos of CARMEN SPINA and video interview with coach DOMENICO BOLIGNANO…


Orlandina: Palermo 13, Moltrasio 4, Gatti 4, Jasaitis 13, Leonardo Marini 8, Mascherpa 6, Caridà 5, Favali 10, Agbortabi 4. Ne: Mentonelli. Coach: Bolignano.

Virtus Ragusa: Cioppa 3, Brown 15, Simon 5, Vavoli 11, Gaetano 9, Sorrentino 6, Piscetta, Epifani 4, Ianelli 7. Ne: Tumino, Mirabella, Calvi. Coach: Recupido.

Referees: Santonastaso from Maddaloni, Del Gaudio from Naples.

Partials: 7-23; 26-34; 43-47; 59-59.

Giancarlo Favali drives to the basket in his excellent second quarter finish

GIUSEPPE LAZZARO, from Gazzetta del Sud

With a crazy “remuntada” Orlandina, still trailing and at -10 with 1’40” to go, wins the derby against Virtus Ragusa in overtime and, amidst the jubilation of a still extraordinary audience drunk with joy, takes at 1-0 in the playoff final and get the first promotion ticket by being able to take advantage of two match-balls: Wednesday evening in Ragusa in game 3 and, possibly, again at the “Arena Infodrive” next Sunday. An incredible evening marked by the worst first quarter played by the champions without defense and helpless in the face of the ball circulation and Iblean precision: 4-13 at 4’20”, +12 with Sorrentino (long-time captain) and maximum advantage in the first siren (7-23) with basket by USA naturalized Brown. Orlandina only starts playing in the second period and begins to recover slowly: the decibels rise in defense, Favali is the extra man with 6 points in a row and the gap drops from double figures to 1’05”: 26 -34 with which we go to the long break and in a fraction of 19-11 for the home team.

Favali scores and points to the public

We start again with Mascherpa replacing Moltrasio in the starting lineup, Ragusa returns to +11 but Jasaitis finds his first triple to make it 33-39 with 6′ left. Orlandina tightens their defense and at 3’45” Palermo scores -3. In the crucial moment, an intentional foul on Marini unleashes the crowd and Ragusa scores a 4-0 which brings them back up (38-47 with 2′ left). Immediate 5-0 all from Favali and at the penultimate siren the paladins halve the gap again: 43-47 and with a low score (only Favali at 10 and Brown at 12 in double figures). In the last quarter Ragusa goes back up to +8 with 6′ on the scoreboard, Marini commits a series of disasters between shooting errors and turnovers, Vavoli goes to the basket for 49-57 at 3’19” and Gaetano puts in what appears to be the bracket basket at 1’40” (+10). It seems over, the 50 Iblei fans rejoice in the stands but Orlandina’s character comes out: “bomb” by captain Palermo, intentional foul called on Brown, Caridà makes it 2/2 (54-59) and with 59″ to go a triple by Jasaitis by -2 (57-59). Orlandina in a defensive trance and, at 14”, incredible equalizer in Marini’s turn: 59-59. Ragusa’s last possession but Brown’s triple is blocked by the rim and it’s overtime.

Jasaitis scores the triple for -2 and the crowd on the grandstand side rejoices

In the 5′ extra time Ragusa, psychologically stunned, collapsed so much so that he scored just one point with Brown from the line and no field goal! Orlandina recovers balls in series, at 3’50” first lead with Palermo (61-59), turn by Jasaitis (63-60) at 1’40”, at 43″ foul on Jasaitis who goes to the line: 1/ 2 and 64-60. Brown makes a mistake, technician for protests and coach Recupido, Caridà closes it from the line with 4/4 of the extension from the charity line.




(Game-1): ORLANDINA-VIRTUS RAGUSA-67-60, after 1 ts

Series 1-0 for Orlandina. Wednesday 3 June, match 2 in Ragusa: in case of victory, Orlandina will be promoted to the National Serie B. If Ragusa wins, race 3 will decide on Sunday 9 June in Capo d’Orlando.

Edited by, Monday 3 June 2024, 7.42 am.

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