The Renaissance of via Ariosto. Charlotte of Orléans in parade

The Renaissance of via Ariosto. Charlotte of Orléans in parade
The Renaissance of via Ariosto. Charlotte of Orléans in parade

As in the best intentions. Perfectly successful, and kissed by a bright sun in the morning, the walk in the historic city and a stretch of the ducal route which took place on Saturday 1 June in a lively atmosphere, embracing the Porta Castello district in a collective celebration.

‘Via Ariosto Urban Renaissance’, which has become a brand synonymous with the quality of good living, entertained residents and people from Reggio who, starting from the fountain in Viale Umberto Primo, were welcomed by Duchess Carlotta d’Orléans and her court, personified by people from Reggio various generations, for a walk that connected citizens of our time with images of a past time, among stories and anecdotes narrated by actors lent for the event, who brought poetic verses and dialect forms.

In Piazza Diaz the picturesque group intercepted traffic on the ring road, stopping it for a few seconds.

“This is the historic city, transformed into a green avenue, like a lung forest; this is its new vision”, says the enthusiastic creator Paolo Bedogni, who together with the citizens and traders committee of Porta Castello involved various associations and Antonio Casoli , which has woven a narrative of citizen interest.

In front of the Casa del Mutilato, where a display case containing wood from a boat belonging to the refugees who died in Steccato di Cutro was displayed, people felt their humanity resurface, before resuming the path that led them along Via Panciroli, Corso Garibaldi , Piazza del Cristo and Piazzetta della Legna, the last stage of this unprecedented aggregation.

The donkeys of Marco Montanari’s Asineria cheered children and families between via Ariosto and via Asineria. In the afternoon, an urban ‘after party’ in the rain, with flag-wavers who were offered fried gnocco by Arci Fenulli.

“Congratulations for the initiative, which induces positive reflections in people, having a civic-educational value that goes along with the economic one”, the comment of a professional present.

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