Rovigo weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 4 June


Tuesday 4 June in Rovigo promises a day with variable weather conditions. The early hours of the morning will be characterized by scattered clouds with cloud cover that will vary between 20% and 39%. Temperatures will remain around +14°C until the early hours of the morning, and then gradually rise until reaching i +24°C in the early afternoon. The perception of the temperature will be in line with the real values, without particularly high thermal sensations.

During the morning, the sky will present itself serenewith cloud cover settling in around 4-10%. Temperatures will gradually increase, with values ​​ranging between +17°C and +21°C. The wind will blow at moderate speed, with intensity varying between 3.4km/h and 5.5km/h coming mainly from the west.

In the early afternoon, the appearance of scattered clouds with cloud cover reaching the 41%. Maximum temperatures will be around +24°C, with a thermal perception unchanged compared to the real values. There is a predicted probability of 35% of light precipitation, with an intensity of 0.27mm.

During the afternoon, precipitation will tend to intensify, with light rains characterizing the climate until the evening. Cloud cover will increase until 65%with temperatures that will remain around +16-17°C. Precipitation could be more significant in the late afternoon and evening, with intensity that could reach 1.69mm.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Tuesday 4 June in Rovigo indicates a day with an alternation of scattered clouds, light rain and moderate precipitation. It is advisable to pay attention to traffic conditions and to bring an umbrella to face any rain during the day. Stay updated for further information on the weather forecast in Rovigo for the next few days.

All the weather data for Tuesday 4 June in Rovigo

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