Coordination of Centre-Right Mayors of Umbria Established in Todi

Coordination of Centre-Right Mayors of Umbria Established in Todi
Coordination of Centre-Right Mayors of Umbria Established in Todi

(AGENPARL) – Rome, 2 July 2024

(AGENPARL) – Tue 02 July 2024 The Coordination of the Centre-Right Mayors of Umbria was established in Todi
Administrative experience, knowledge of the problems and relationship with the territory for the good governance of Umbria
A well-attended meeting was held yesterday in Todi, which saw the establishment of a Coordination of the Center-Right Mayors of Umbria. The meeting was attended by the mayors of Todi, Orvieto, Umbertide, Deruta, Amelia, Torgiano, San Gemini, Citerna, Bettona, Cannara, Gualdo Cattaneo, Giano dell’Umbria, Otricoli, Castel Ritaldi and Ficulle. Many others expressed their desire and interest in ensuring that the ideas of good administration and good government of the center-right can experience a new season of success. Among these, the Mayors of Nocera Umbra, Gubbio, Foligno, Trevi, Acquasparta, Polino, Tuoro sul Trasimeno, Stroncone, while further memberships are on the way.
During the fruitful meeting, the results of the latest administrative elections were analyzed and the development prospects for Umbria were evaluated.
In recent years, the Centre-Right component of the Local Government Administrators has brought stability, development, rebirth, growth and great prospects to the region, being rewarded with electoral successes that, only a short time ago, seemed unachievable.
Some setbacks in the last electoral round, due more to the difficulty of the candidates to get in tune with the impulses of the electorate than to the lack of administrative effectiveness, cannot and must not erase a history of successes and results, which has changed the face of the region and which has concrete and tangible prospects for the regional community.
Likewise, moreover, the Regional Government of President Tesei, who, despite a thousand difficulties due to the heavy inheritance received, has produced five years of effective administration, with results that have brought the region back in line with the best European standards. Not only the extraordinary work for the approval of the Health Plan and the Regional Waste Plan, which had been at a standstill for decades, but also the resolution of problems that were epochal. The Railway, the Collestrada station, the new Umbriafiere, the Tre Valli and the Perugia hub, the high-speed Media Etruria and the airport are just a few examples of the great work carried out.
Added to this is the agreement that saw the relaunch of Ast, the rescue of local public transport, of Umbriamobilità, of Monteluce and the recovery process of the sinkhole found in the mountain communities.
Umbria was the best region to face the Covid pandemic and one of the best in Europe in terms of attracting resources from the Next Generation Europe plan (PNRR). Today Umbria, which the center-right inherited on the brink of bankruptcy, is a healthy, competitive region, with all the economic and social fundamentals finally turning for the better.
An extraordinary region, which has been able to give a clear image of itself, becoming a primary destination for national and international tourism, with continuously growing flows, well above the Italian average.
In this journey, the Mayors and local communities have been protagonists and, even more, they want to be and will be able to be in the near future, in the awareness that their experience, their knowledge of the problems to be faced, their fundamental relationship with the territory are essential elements in building the future.
The first important decision is the convening, within the month of July, of the “General States of the Administrators of Local Authorities of Umbria”, which will take stock of the good things that have been produced by the administrative season and lay the foundations for the future.

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