Ten years of the Farewell House celebrated in Bra, the first in Piedmont – Targatocn.it

Ten years of the Farewell House celebrated in Bra, the first in Piedmont – Targatocn.it
Ten years of the Farewell House celebrated in Bra, the first in Piedmont – Targatocn.it

The Mass in memory of the deceased closed the 10th anniversary of the “Luce di Speranza” farewell house in Bra, the first born in Piedmont to meet the needs of families who find themselves facing bereavement.

The Eucharistic rite was celebrated by Don Antonio Calandri, who used the words of Pope Francis to summarize the atmosphere that characterizes the structure: «Cordiality, optimism and communion».

The songs of the Battuti Bianchi choir, directed by Luciana Provera and the notes on the piano by Massimiliano Stenta animated the function, with great participation of guests, friends and above all family members of the deceased welcomed in this place well known for the high quality of the service , confidentiality and humanity of the staff.

Among them the mayor Gianni Fogliato, who had words of praise for a project born from the vision of Armando Verrua and his son Viviano, head of the funeral company of the same name based in via don Orione, in Bra.

On this occasion, awards were given for the precious spiritual work carried out within the structure to Don Antonio Calandri and to the extraordinary minister of communion Angela Massa.

Before the convivial moment, the new Paradiso room was inaugurated and blessed by Don Antonio, where it is possible to admire a spectacular work by Giovanni Botta, who painted a large staircase, almost as if wanting to connect the earth and the sky, with a multitude of angels and the immense light of eternity.

The party had already begun on the evening of Friday 31 May with the musical and cabaret entertainment offered by Sonia De Castelli, Pino Milenr and Cocò, who gave the public a lot of joy, together with the goodbye to the next anniversary.

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