Italian at press conference, official leaves Florence

Italian at press conference, official leaves Florence
Italian at press conference, official leaves Florence

Italian at press conference, official leaves Florence

02-06-2024 20:54


“Unfortunately we could also have arrived with a fair prize because they have been 3 wonderful years, 3 years where I think I’ll leave differently than I arrived. I have a huge baggage with me, I will carry everything in my heart forever. The journey was great, even without a trophy, sorry for the boys and the people who deserved to celebrate and have this joy, as Bergamo had. For me they have been 3 positive years, not only for the results but also for the relationships created with the kids. Football is amazing from this point of view, it gives me shivers and I get emotional because leaving this bond is not something nice but this is football.

Why am I leaving? Because I think that when you get to a certain level and you can’t go any further, the environment demands more effort. I think I have given my best so it is right to turn the page and start again, leaving room for new ideas, which can give satisfaction to these people. This is what I told the president, his wife and the director.

There were some unforgettable moments inside the locker room, with the words of the captain and the director. We move forward, new pages open in life and in football. In these 3 years we have grown exponentially, we, the club and the players. Those who work in Florence know that they have to give a lot, the people have great passion, after 3 years I understood that some criticisms and attacks are dictated by passion and heart. Many times they even helped me fix something, sometimes they hurt me but we react because we are professionals. I’ll tell you what Gasperini told me: that the route will always be remembered, it will be said that the Florentine he made three finals and his value will be recognised.”

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