Bari, last week of the European and local elections campaign: three national leaders in the city

Bari, last week of the European and local elections campaign: three national leaders in the city
Bari, last week of the European and local elections campaign: three national leaders in the city

Bari, last week of the electoral campaign for the next European and local elections: three national leaders are expected in the city in support of the equally main candidates for mayor of the city

Final rush for the electoral campaign for the European and administrative elections of next 8 and 9 June and the city of Bari becomes a privileged destination for the visits of party leaders who, having arrived in the city to close the race of their flag at the European Parliament, each alongside the main candidates for the office of mayor of the city. And therefore waiting for the leader of the 5 Star Movement Giuseppe Conte who, after the tour of 2 June between Foggia, Manfredonia and San Severo, will stop on Monday 3 June in Piazza Europa, in the San Paolo district of Bari, together with the mayoral candidate Michele Laforgia and to the candidate president of the third municipality, Chiara Riccardi, to then close her tour at AncheCinema with a stop on the Italia che Conta tour. The city of Bari will also host one of the three events with which the leader of the League Matteo Salvini will close his campaign for the next European elections: appointment on Monday 3 June in Piazza Diaz for a rally which will see him joined by the mayoral candidate for the centre-right coalition Fabio Romito. Also on the field, at Forza Italia altitude, is the Minister of the Environment Gilberto Pichetto Fratin who, in Puglia in support of the party, will visit the cities of Bari, Barletta, Taranto, San Severo and Torremaggiore. Finally Elly Schlein who, accompanied by the European Commissioner for Labor, the Luxembourger Nicolas Schmit who is the PSE’s candidate for the position of president of the European Parliament, is expected in via Sparano at 6pm on Tuesday 4 June. On stage, during the rally of the national secretary of the Democratic Party, the five Apulian candidates of the party for the European elections, starting from the current mayor of Bari, Antonio Decaro and the head of the list Lucia Annunziata. Also announced among those present was Vito Leccese, candidate for the office of mayor of the Apulian capital right in the Democratic Party and supported by the centre-left coalition.

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