Terrace in the square has closed

Terrace in the square has closed
Terrace in the square has closed

“Terrazza in piazza” closes its doors, marking the end of an era: for 26 years active in Piazza Garibaldi, in the heart of the Etruscan city.

Mayor Massimo Barbujani, together with councilor Vittoria Paccagnella and city councilor Emanuela Beltrame, paid homage to Paolo Marani and his wife Luciana with a commemorative plaquerecognizing their commitment and dedication in managing the venue for many years.

“It’s a special moment, it’s a greeting – said Bobo particularly excited – I often came here and Paolo told me that he was tired and that he would close, but for ten years he always said it without actually doing it. This time, however, it’s really true. This was a landmark venue for our town.”

The plaque bears the following inscription: “For Paolo Marani, for the important work carried out in these 26 years of activity, spent with admirable dedication, style and elegance. For being the symbol of Adria’s resilience, through the promotion and valorisation of the territory in the refinement of Venetian cuisine, always accompanied by his touch of class. For representing a piece of history and a point of reference for the people who have chosen this refined venue as a meeting place, managed with excellent professionalism and passion. With infinite gratitude, the municipal administration expresses, with this sign of esteem, the city’s gratitude.”

The mayor then added a personal tribute to Luciana, always at Paolo’s side, in this extraordinary commercial adventure.

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