Tennis Giotto is Tuscan team champion with the Under 16 men’s team

Tennis Giotto is Tuscan team champion with the Under 16 men’s team
Tennis Giotto is Tuscan team champion with the Under 16 men’s team

Tennis Giotto wins the Tuscan team title with the men’s Under16. The credit goes to Gianmarco Cartocci, Raffaele Ciurnelli and Lorenzo De Vizia who took turns on the pitch in the regional championship and who, success after success, reached the final where they triumphed 2-0 over the Junior Club Next Gen of Ronchi ( Ms). The team from the Arezzo club was the protagonist of an impeccable journey where they won each of the five matches played without losing a single set and where they managed to achieve the sixth consecutive regional championship, following a trail of successes started in 2019 in the Under12, continued uninterruptedly in the higher categories and enriched by a national title in the Under12 in 2020 and a third national place in the Under14 in 2022.

The excellent season experienced by the Giotto Tennis youth sector is also confirmed by the titles of Tuscan vice champions obtained by the men’s Under14 and the women’s Under14 who only found defeat in the final act of their respective championships. The women’s team made up of Gaia Donati, Aurora Lusini, Valentina Maggini, Carlotta Melani and Bianca Vannelli surrendered 2-0 to Tc Grosseto, while the men’s team with Brando Andreani, Pietro Bramanti and Zeno Roveri was overtaken by Tc Sinalunga after a balanced match that ended 2-1. The progress of the men’s Under12 team was also particularly positive with Edoardo Del Tongo, Marco Mazzi, Enrico Palumbo, Martin Sandroni and Francesco Vannelli who reached the semi-final of the category championship and closed the season in fourth place in Tuscany. The results achieved by the men’s Under16, men’s Under14 and women’s Under14 have allowed Tennis Giotto to obtain three passes to participate in the macro-area phases which, on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September, will pit the best teams emerging from the various regional championships against each other to define the eight finalists who will be able to compete for the tricolor in the subsequent national final eight. «Dall’Under12 all’Under16 – comments sports director Francesco Benci, – we remained in the running until the end in many different categories. The season has already given us a Tuscan title and will now continue with the macro-area phase where, with three teams, we will try to get back into the small circle of the best in Italy that will be able to compete for the tricolor, with a path that crowns the excellent work done by the technical staff in synergy with the management of the club».

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