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The Lombard coach was serene, calm but absolutely determined. First of all he thanked him for the welcome he received: “Since I arrived, I have rarely found a welcome like this. I hope your thanks comes later, when the results arrive. The results must also be the result of a style, a way of being, a shared identity that is recognisable. In the 90s-2000s it was known that since warm-up “those boys were from Varese” “those were the red shoes from Milan” This thing was lost today and must be found again. The possibility of also coaching the youth sector is mine, I always have, it is a great responsibility of the first team players who will have to be a symbol and example for our kids from Minibasketball onwards. I met the local staff and coaches and we immediately found great harmony. It is an honor to be here in this historical moment, there is a great objective, I won’t say a rebirth, because this company has already done a lot in a short time, but there are certainly fundamental objectives. We are both, Myenergy and I, looking for emotions, because without them everything becomes dull and sad.”

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