Gela Five-a-side football, end of games

End of the game for Gela Calcio a 5: after the bitter relegation to C1, the result of a disastrous season in Serie B, the Club, next season, will not be at the starting line of any championship.

This is the decision taken by Maurizio Melfa, who during a meeting with the Biancazzurri managers – led by coach Enzo Fecondo – announced the decision to no longer wish to continue the project, which three years ago brought five-a-side football back in Gela after several years of absence, reaching a national category for the first time in history. Enzo Fecondo himself broke the news – already in the air for several weeks – and with a long message on his social profiles he wanted to retrace the most important stages of the biancazzurro project.

«Tuesday was an emotionally intense day, but generally I write on social media about my beloved sport, even if this year I didn’t speak because it was better to remain silent. The most beautiful, intense and successful sporting period of all probably ended on Tuesday and I want to thank those who allowed the most just and deserved conclusion to a cycle abruptly interrupted years ago by a group that wrote the history of futsal in Gela.

In two years we went from C2 to series B and it seemed that all this happened in an instant. In the middle was the splendid victory of the C2 Sicilian Cup, a mission always accomplished with a group of people from Gelato and a single foreigner who was an added value.

The experience of the B series in Gela, made with those who I thought deserved to play it, is a separate chapter, to be treasured all the same and I have already spoken about this. I say thank you to those players, companions of a sporting life and to those who had recently approached, to the managers and collaborators (few but good) who really sacrificed themselves to achieve an objective, to the families always there to suffer and rejoice with us but also to those fans who are always present.

I haven’t mentioned any names – he continues – so as not to bore anyone and avoid forgetting anyone. I thank – concludes the coach – our president Maurizio Melfa, who despite his ups and downs probably due to an excess of commitments, has given new life to all Gela sport, allowing the realization of our dream, called Serie B, which remained set aside in a drawer for years. Thank you for this short but very intense experience.

Sooner or later everything has to end and changes, as we know, are scary but the important thing is to start again stronger and more successful than before and to always see the sky as blue as possible.”

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