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Administrative elections Recanati. Fd’I: the University in Recanati is not a utopia but an opportunity

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note from Fratelli d’Italia candidate Ettore Pelati

In the city of the Infinite a university can no longer be missing, it is not a utopia but a project that must be cared for, prepared and finalized with perseverance and constancy. It is the main objective of the list of Brothers of Italy of Recanati to bring a university there. “It would be ideal to have a segment of a faculty or a course in humanities – he says Ettore Pelati, candidate on the Fd’I lists – in the city that gave birth to Giacomo Leopardi, it would be a very demanding challenge but it is almost a duty to try. If we are elected we will soon take action to give substance to this initiative”.

Concreteness means being able to start”to discuss with the Rector to understand how to develop the project, how to give it shape, according to the possibilities that Recanati has integrated with the needs of the University itself. That is, it is necessary to evaluate the specific needs that universities have in terms of students, spaces and teaching to match them with what Recanati can offer in terms of hospitality”, says Pelati again.

We can make Recanati a university center with broad benefits for the city, first of all of a cultural nature but it would then be an even broader attraction for various other sectors that could be involved. In short, the University should represent a further vector of growth for a city that already has all the credentials to host courses. There are other cases also in the Marche where the University has located some of its headquarters outside the central one and the same could be done with Recanati. The city is ready for this leap which would give it a truly important and innovative impulse

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