Unicef’s birthday celebrated in Latina. For half a century in the field to help all children

Latina was chosen among the cities of Lazio to host the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of Unicef ​​Italia. The city center was filled with girls and boys, girls and boys from all over the region. Welcomed by the Mayor Matilde Celentano, by the Provincial President of Unicef ​​of Latina Michela Verga, by the Chief Prosecutor of the Republic, Giuseppe De Falco, by the National President of Unicef, Carmela De Pace.

An important day, an opportunity to draw attention to childhood, especially to that which is too often denied, as is also remembered during the inauguration of the traveling exhibition “Can you smile for me?” with photographs by Giammarco Sicuro, correspondent Rai, which has documented many war and poverty scenarios for Unicef, which will be visible at the Cambellotti Civic Museum until 9 June.

«We are very excited – says Michela Verga – despite our committee having been in place for a year and a half, we managed to bring this important event to Latina». And until June 9th everyone will be able to contribute with “a drop”, as Michela Verga underlines, by purchasing in the shops in the center both the famous Pigotte dolls, handmade by the volunteers, and all the Unicef ​​gadgets whose proceeds will contribute to supporting the projects started . «It is an important day – says the mayor Matilde Celentano – because no child must cry due to hunger and war, no child must be denied the joy of childhood». A truly moving moment was certainly that of the “March of Rights”: from Piazza San Marco to Piazza del Popolo, home of the workshops, all the schools marched with their signs which were then placed in Piazza San Marco.

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