Citizens at RinnoviAmo: “The center? More pedestrian”

A hot topic of the electoral campaign and a tangled mess whose key, on the part of the political forces, seems difficult to find: we are talking about the historic centre, in search of attractiveness on a commercial, residential and tourist level. A problem that has been dragging on for years. And in search of answers to “what to do”, the civic list RinnoviAmo Forlì (which supports Rinaldini) tries to change the point of observation by throwing the ball to the citizens. To be precise, the 268 who responded, online or in paper form, to the questions of a questionnaire entitled “The future of the historic center of Forlì”.

“We have given ourselves a method – explains Giacomo Foglietta, candidate on the list –, organized ourselves into working groups and we have decided to listen to the citizens, according to a virtue that is lacking in the current Administration. The problem of the historic center is a complex and to understand it we need to gather as much information as possible.”

In the presence of a few dozen people, including representatives of neighborhood associations such as Idee in corso and Regnoli 41, the responses collected were reeled off. Which, however, above all describe a list of problems, which are also known, classified by perceived severity. The questions are divided into macro areas: ways of using the centre, main problems encountered, mobility, services, trade, architectural barriers, street furniture and the perception of safety. And if degradation is placed first among the problematic aspects, the solutions to encourage frequenting the historic center include a better offer of commercial activities and cultural proposals.

Furthermore, those who responded generally do not like street parking, would like more pedestrianized areas and for the use of public transport to be encouraged. As for the hypothesis of transferring the market to the Portici area, a hypothesis contained in the list’s program, most would be in favor provided that connections between the center and that area are implemented.

Danilo Casadei returns to the topic of the method: “It is important that citizens are active subjects – he explains -, because when we no longer talk about overbuilding but about urban regeneration, it is necessary that those who live in those places are involved”. On the topic of security, which many citizens associate with the presence of foreign people, Fosco Foglietta intervenes: “We aim for the inclusion, in work and housing, of immigrants and the majority of those interviewed agree with this approach of ours”. RinnoviAmo Forlì then supports the request of residents and traders of via Giorgio Regnoli to extend the closing time to evening traffic of what is now considered one of the good places in the historic centre.

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