See you on June 8th at the leaf festival in Venice (even without Saviano)

See you on June 8th at the leaf festival in Venice (even without Saviano)
See you on June 8th at the leaf festival in Venice (even without Saviano)

Who wrote to the director Claudio Cerasa

To the director – I would like to inform you, dear Cerasa, that I will not be in Venice for the Foglio initiative, because I realized that you have not invited Roberto Saviano.
Giuliano Cazzola

However, there will be other very uncomfortable guests. Here is the list. June 8th in Venice. Sign up here: [email protected]. Do not miss.

To the director – With all due respect to some government representatives, and regardless of the appropriateness or otherwise of some choices, it should be noted in terms of legitimacy that Article 11 of the Constitution is written on the basis of the cultures of democratic interventionism to combat the attackers together, not to prevent it. Article 11 began in the first subcommittee of the Constituent Assembly as the sum of two different paragraphs, one on the repudiation of the war (in the initial version of renunciation of the war) and the other on the transfer of sovereignty. But after a careful debate on 3 December 1946 the constitutionalist from Catania Sturziano, Carmelo Caristia, asked and obtained to merge them because the repudiation of the aggressions, in order to have real effects, could only lead to a different vision of the sharing of sovereignty and, therefore, of joint defense actions. A sovereignist vision according to which Italy would only have the right to defend itself, but to let other countries attack, would be completely contradictory to the profound inspiration of Article 11. Moreover, on the basis of it, the Italy has joined NATO, which involves the solidarity defense of the component countries, and the UN, which recognizes the right of individual and collective self-defense of the attacked countries. This right cannot fail to include the neutralization of military sites from which attacks originate. It would be a bit paradoxical to have an idea of ​​self-defense in which it is admissible only when destructive weapons cross a border.
Stefano Ceccanti

“To achieve peace it is not enough to silence the weapons” (Sergio Mattarella, 31 December 2023).

To the editor – Dear Cerasa, you may have noticed that, unlike Ayatollah Khamenei for the international (primarily Italian) supporters of Hamas, Putin has not publicly thanked the international (primarily Italian) supporters of the Russian cause in Ukraine. Being, as is known, a polite and grateful person, I am sure that he took steps to thank them privately.
Michael the Great

The students demonstrating against Israel, after Khamenei, have also been praised by al Qaeda. “We appreciate the movement of Western protesters and occupiers among students of Western universities, who with their occupation and protests have expressed their rejection of the ongoing genocide.” Can you blame him?

To the director – You don’t understand. You joke about it, as Salvatore Merlo did in his “Elly sul ferribotte”, but there is little to joke about. Elly doesn’t joke at all. The secretary of the Democratic Party reads the Istat data. Not only. She processes them, interprets them. And this explains her position on ferry boat yes and Ponte sull’Sretto not even to mention it. In the last twenty years, 653 thousand Sicilians have left Sicily, bag and baggage, to move to another Italian region. No, I say, 653 thousand, 13-14 percent of the island’s population, one Sicilian for every 7-8 Sicilians. A record, of course. Is the concept clear? Maybe not for you, dear intelligent readers of the Foglio, but very clear for Elly, who may be very young to be secretary of the main opposition party but it didn’t take her long to understand. Of course for Elly even the ferry boat, dear Merlo who is so ironic, goes fast, too fast in transferring Sicilians from that part of Italy to this other; from the island to the continent. If possible, ferry boats could also be abolished. I would like to see (Elly would like to see them) the Sicilians take to the sea on small makeshift boats, fishing boats, boats and dinghies, lifeboats and skates towards the Calabrian coast, to go up, once they arrive, up to Rome and Bologna and Milan with lots of suitcases and baggage in tow. Elly Schlein’s strategic plan is to avoid emptying the island here by holding back, by force or by love. The fact that these unpunished people then act with the aim of reaching another region, Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna first and foremost, but also Lazio and Tuscany and Veneto, to improve their life prospects is if anything an aggravating factor of the escape: which is beautiful and justifiable if disinterested, while if it responds to mere shop interests, come on, let’s be serious, are we perhaps abandoning our native places for something so prosaic and material? Now, if the strategic design of Elly Schlein’s yes ferry boat no bridge over the Strait is clear to me, it is not clear, precisely in light of this design, the PD secretary’s aversion to differentiated autonomy. Being able to count, thanks to the latter, on an undoubtedly strengthened ability to oppose the construction of the bridge, shouldn’t Elly embrace the Calderolian cause? Which is why I feel like suggesting to the secretary of the Democratic Party to throw herself on the ground so as to snatch differentiated autonomy in time to be able to hurl it against the bridge, prevent the exodus from the island, save Sicily. In short, as they say: since you’ve turned 30, go ahead and turn 31.
Roberto Volpi

To the editor – In relation to the article published in today’s edition of the Foglio, signed by Giorgio Santilli, I am obliged to make some clarifications. The “rigorous fact checking” (which the author of the piece himself claims as a virtuous method) demonstrates that the undersigned never attempted to slow down the approval of the Rome-Pescara railway project in the Services Conference, at the time of Mario Draghi. A project which, in fact, I was keen to start by promoting and then signing a memorandum of understanding together with the then minister De Micheli and the president of the Lazio region, Zingaretti. The Abruzzo region gave its positive opinion at the services conference just 24 hours after receiving all the opinions. It’s difficult to be faster… The truth is that during the Draghi government for many months, starting from June 2022 when the Conference should have closed, we waited in vain for his ministers to give these opinions. I had to urge the newly installed Meloni government to ensure that they arrived. Furthermore, in the Services Conference some municipalities (Manoppello, Scafa, Alanno) had expressed a contrary opinion. Only thanks to the work of the region and the mediation that we have successfully carried out together with RFI, these same municipalities subsequently overturned their opinion, modifying their resolutions. So it would be fair to say that not only has the Abruzzo region never slowed down this work, but it was a victim of the slowness of previous governments. The Meloni government has in fact had to right a wrong, because the delay of almost a year in the closing of the Services Conference was the determining reason due to which the deadline imposed by the Pnrr was bypassed and RFi could no longer close the work in scheduled times. The Meloni government had the merit of having restored the funds and having done so in the shortest time possible. The urgency to take action was also motivated by the fact that part of these funds are allocated through the Foi, which is also subject to stringent deadlines. Waiting another few months for the electoral campaign to conclude would have once again compromised the completion of the work.
Marco Marsilio, president of the Abruzzo region

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