the wind knocks down two trees, hitting three cars

PADUA – The Bacchiglione returns to special surveillance. Even though yesterday the weather, despite the forecasts, granted a substantial respite, the orange alert was still triggered in the city. «The alert concerns, precisely, the Bacchiglione – explained the deputy mayor in the evening Andrea Micalizzi – a flood is expected for tomorrow morning which, however, should not cause particular problems in the city.”


«Despite this, the guard must be kept high and the Civil Engineers, as is customary in these cases, has lowered the locks on the Cavai bridge – added the number two of Palazzo Moroni – this should lead to a significant lowering of the Trunk in the next few hours Master. The Civil Protection is also pre-warned, but the passage of the flood should not cause particular critical issues for our city.” Meanwhile, the strong wind yesterday morning knocked down two trees: one in via Ongarello in Forcellini and the other on the Rovetta embankment. «When the tree in via Ongarello fell, it damaged three cars – continued Micalizzi – but it was a tree that was in a private area, so only the people who intervened intervened. Fire fighters. On the Rovetta embankment However, a municipal plant crashed. Fortunately there was no damage.”


Padua, however, still has to deal with the bad weather that hit the city on 15 and 16 May. And, just yesterday, an announcement related to compensation appeared on the Municipality’s website. “The regional state of emergency has been declared by the Veneto Region following the critical weather conditions encountered in our territory on 15 and 16 May 2024 (DPGR n.42/2024 of the Veneto Region) – we read in the communication – As reported by the Veneto Region and the Municipalities involved, citizens are recommended to collect and keep the documentation relating to any damage suffered (photographic documentation, receipts, etc.), which can be presented to the Veneto Region, in the event that the Region had access to the national solidarity fund for Civil Protection events. In this case, it will be the responsibility of the Municipality of Padua, as well as the Veneto Region, to provide timely information on the methods to follow to access the funds, in light of the damage suffered due to bad weather”.

«This communication does not mean that the funds are available and that the people of Padua will have to submit the request for compensation – the deputy mayor put his hands forward – Quite simply, we ask the damaged citizens to put aside all the documentation linked to the damage they have suffered . Thus, in the event that the government were to make resources available for compensation, it will be easier and faster to submit applications.” At Palazzo Moroni, however, the fear is that the available state funding could largely be allocated to Emilia Romagna.
Last Monday, meanwhile, the Municipality sent the Region a detailed report on the damage suffered by the city due to the very heavy rainfall a couple of weeks ago. This too in the hope that, sooner or later, funds will arrive for the benefit of the many damaged citizens, but also for the dozens of municipal buildings that have suffered flooding and infiltrations due to the very heavy rain that fell especially in the western area of ​​the city on the night of May 15th. Rain that paralyzed entire districts.


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The Gazzettino

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