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Teatro Stabile del Veneto climbs to the podium of Italian Theaters

Teatro Stabile del Veneto climbs to the podium of Italian Theaters
Teatro Stabile del Veneto climbs to the podium of Italian Theaters

Management efficiency, artistic quality, recital days, job creation and commitment to sustainable development are the basis of this prestigious recognition.

For the first time in its history, the Fondazione del Teatro Stabile del Veneto – Teatro Nazionale has exceeded 90 points in the score assigned by the Ministry of Culture, which is crucial for its contribution to Italian theatres.

With a score of 92 points, obtained thanks to indicators based on management efficiency, employment levels of artistic and technical workers, acting days, artistic quality and sustainable development actions, the Teatro Stabile del Veneto – Teatro Nazionale achieves the highest overall score among the National Theatres. It is followed by the ERT of Bologna and the Fondazione of Turin.

In addition to growth of artistic qualitywhere TSV achieved 1.5 points more than in the previous year, the excellent result was determined in particular by two categories in which TSV achieved the highest overall score on a national scale: quantitative dimension and indexed quality.
The first certifies the production activity of the TSV – with 369 performances of own productions and co-productionsto which are added another 72 days of hospitality performances – and the theatre’s good ability to create employment. They are more than 23,000 working days paid to artists and technicians for 1 million and 300 thousand euros in social contributions paid. They are also 3450 hours of training that the Theater provides in a year for the activities of the Carlo Goldoni Theater Academy.
The second certifies efficiency in economic and organizational management of the entity that has proven capable of concentrating the majority of its costs on productive activities.

The words of president Giampiero Beltotto

First of all, I would like to thank Minister Sangiuliano, Undersecretary Mazzi and General Director Parente who have always followed our growth with attention and care both as a public organization and as an artistic project declares Giampiero Beltotto, president of the TSV Foundation. – We started, in 2018, from a discouraging total score of 79.92 and in a few years, albeit in different clusters, we have come a long way. All uphill. The greatest compliments go to the Board of Directors, to the General Manager Claudia Marcolin, to the head of the Artistic Development area and director of the Academy Carlo Mangolini and to the Artistic Director Filippo Dini, whose contribution has led to an increase in the score on the quality of the artistic direction. I would like to point out that this growth has been witnessed by the renewed Commission in charge and I believe that the study and attention of one of its theatre men like Gianpaolo Savorelli have been invaluable. In any case, the idea of ​​a compact and motivated team is emerging, which goes from the Members (Region, Municipalities of Venice, Padua and Treviso, Chambers of Commerce, Province of Padua, Fondazione di Venezia, Confindustria Veneto Est), to all the employees of the Stabile, to the actors, directors and all the artists who have never left us alone and have believed in our project”.

President Beltotto then extends particular thanks to the Veneto Regional Council and to President Luca Zaia, who thanks to the extraordinary contribution allocated last year “they are allowing us to operate as a National Theatre should. Finally, I believe it is really important to have the Teseo Project, signed with the Veneto Region, incorporated into the TSV thanks to the resources of the European Social Fund, which in recent years has given us the opportunity to be the home that welcomes and trains young artists and valid stage professionals”.

Beltotto makes it known that he is a star “working in Europe. We feel and are the public theater of three municipalities, seats of internationally known universities and of a Region that is slowly, but stubbornly, regaining its place in Italy.”

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