Bad weather, nightmare night in Piedmont and Aosta Valley: roofs blown off houses

Bad weather, nightmare night in Piedmont and Aosta Valley: roofs blown off houses
Bad weather, nightmare night in Piedmont and Aosta Valley: roofs blown off houses

Disaster during the night in the North/West: violent self-healing storms are hitting the Alps and Pre-Alps between central/northern Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta. In less than eight hours they actually fell 191mm of rain at Alpe Veglia, 176mm to Noasca, 161mm in Pecetto of Macugnaga, 147mm at the Zamboni Zappa Refuge, 145mm in Varzo, 133mm in Cogne, 123mm in Alagna Valsesia, 113mm a Trasquera, 110mm at the upper Paione Lake, 111mm in Forno Alpi Graie, 106mm in Larecchio, 102mm in Balme, 80mm in Lanzo Torinese, 77mm in Formazza, 70mm to Corio, 49mm in Avigliana, 46mm in Burgundy Susa.

Il bad weather caused a disaster, not only due to the torrential rain but also due to the destructive hail and the fierce wind, with gusts exceeding 120km/h in many locations. There are reports of uncovered roofs a Busanoin the Turin area (see photo accompanying the article), while hailstones with a diameter of 5 centimeters hit Cuorgnè, Rocca Canavese, Canavese oven, leather e Borgiallocausing serious damage.

Landslides blocked and in some cases completely destroyed some sections of the road. Cogne e Cervinia they are completely isolated. The situation is critical, but only after dawn on Sunday will it be possible to truly quantify the damage.

At the moment there are no victims. The authorities are mobilized for relief efforts in the area.

Disastrous flood in Piedmont, terrible images from Noasca

Piedmont flood, the flooding of the Tambach stream in Macugnaga

Flood in Piedmont, dramatic situation in Chialamberto

Flood in Piedmont, dramatic situation in Noasca

Piedmont flood, the images from Noasca are scary

Bad weather, devastation in Cogne due to torrential rains

Meanwhile in Swissanother disastrous flood has struck Zermatt eight days after the dramatic event of just over a week ago.

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