19 million euros for the irrigation networks of Western Sicily

Interventions on irrigation networks in the Palermo and Trapani areas for almost 19 million euros. This is the amount of the sums that finance two tenders published respectively by the Palermo and Trapani Reclamation Consortium.

«Against drought – explains the President of the Region Renato Schifani – we intervene to give concrete answers to the agricultural sector, making full use of the national resources available. We must make the best use of available water and reduce losses and waste. We work tirelessly alongside agricultural entrepreneurs to resolve critical issues that have existed for too long, modernize and make irrigation systems and networks in our countryside more efficient, serve more portions of the territory, reduce consumption and also guarantee the environment”,

The first of the two tenders, for a total amount of 9.99 million plus VAT financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, concerns the awarding of the works necessary to fully use the waters of the Garcia reservoir on the river Belice, in the Palermo area. This is the first functional lot for the extraordinary maintenance of the irrigation distribution of the “Dagale-Renelli” district. Intervention necessary due to the deterioration of the existing infrastructure, which has been in operation for over 30 years. The functionality of the system will be restored, thanks to the renewal of the electromechanical lifting equipment and other parts of irrigation pipes and instruments that serve over 100 hectares of land.

The second call, for an amount of 8.7 million plus VAT, also in this case financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, aims to remake the irrigation network of the Delia river basin, in the territory of Mazara del Vallo, in the Trapani area. The project involves adapting the distribution network to reduce losses and make it more efficient thanks to the use of remote control instruments managed remotely by the Land Reclamation Consortium and the remake of sections of old pipelines for about 140 kilometers.

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