Bad weather, thunderstorms and hail expected in the afternoon

Bad weather, thunderstorms and hail expected in the afternoon
Bad weather, thunderstorms and hail expected in the afternoon

Yesterday’s forecast of a confirmed sudden worsening of weather conditions in Piedmont due to a disturbance rising from Spain towards France which, associated with a nucleus of cold air at high altitude, will activate an intense flow of humid and unstable currents towards the Alps.

According to meteorologist Andrea Vuolo the Alpine areas between Turin e Sesia will be affected by stationary thunderstorms between the lower valleys of Susa, Lanzo, Orco, Soana, Chiusella and in the pre-Alpine area of ​​Biellese and Sesia. From 3pm until the early hours of the night they are scheduled here rainfall between 70 and 100 milliliters in a few hours, associated with medium-sized hail (2-3 centimetres in diameter), flooding and mudslides from the spills with critical problems on the roads and swelling of the streams.

On the plains i more intense storms they are expected in the late afternoon-evening around Saluzzoil Turin and the Lower Canavese in the direction of the hills of the Po and the Lower Monferrato as well as the Eporediese and Chivassese towards the plains of the Vercellese, the Novarese, the south-eastern Biellese and the lake area up to Verbania. Cloudbursts, locally large hail (4 centimeters) and stormy gusts of wind (so-called downbursts) are expected.

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