«In that park a plaque for Christopher» – Pescara

«In that park a plaque for Christopher» – Pescara
«In that park a plaque for Christopher» – Pescara

PESCARA. A plaque in memory of Christopher Thomas Luciani in Baden Powell Park, the same garden where the 16-year-old was killed with 25 stab wounds. “It was clear that there is a drug dealing place there. Anyone who goes in there will see it. I hope it can save the lives of many of his peers.” So Olgathe boy’s grandmother, during a television interview, answering reporters about the idea of ​​placing a plaque in memory of her grandson in the garden where the crime took place. The city councilor had proposed the creation of a plaque dedicated to the young man in recent days Charles Constantine, with a social media post. And the mayor Charles Masci he said he was in favor: in fact he proposed to RfI to create a fitness trail in the park. A green area for young people that speaks of life and no longer of death.
“Guys, open your eyes to who you hang out with and what you do,” Christopher’s grandmother says again, “and try to change, you’re on time. Let’s change this rotten world, which no longer has values. There’s no more respect, there’s nothing left. It’s all over. They’ve become apathetic, they’re mannequins, because they’re all the same, little soldiers. Add a pinch of your personality, because we’re not all the same. It’s not the clothes that make the man.”
The woman, in tears, then recalls her relationship with her grandson, who arrived at her home when he was three and a half years old and whom she cared for like a mother: “He wasn’t able to write yet, he made little hearts and put them under my pillow. He said ‘grandma, I would die without you'”.

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