Lella Costa, Verdi and Joan of Arc. Sister Lella’s class in Pergine

Lella Costa, Verdi and Joan of Arc. Sister Lella’s class in Pergine
Lella Costa, Verdi and Joan of Arc. Sister Lella’s class in Pergine

PERGINE. Second day of Pergine Festival and there is something for all tastes, as long as they are willing to change tastes as needed to discover what is not known. The Festival of community and collaborations in the area (and outside the area) today gives space to Saddle Art, or rather, it occupies a piece of the fascinating naturalistic artistic space of the valley of the same name to set up a stage that tomorrow morning will make it even more suggestive Villa Strobele. “On top of the fairy tales” it is in fact a very curious sound installation that is due to the unbridled imagination of the Teatro dei Venti which worked with a very particular (human) “material”: the elderly guests of the retirement home. Elderly people called (and the response seems to have been enthusiastic) to tell their stories and tell their stories. The artists then elaborated the memory and will propose it again in the form of a show from 10.30am.

We will return to Pergine at 6pm for an afternoon in the name of Faber (Fabrizio De André)of his sung poetry and of the feeling of gratitude with which Serena Sinigaglia (a lady director but not only) returns some of her most significant pages. Vinyl, voice and audience for a treat scheduled at 6pm to ensure that soul hail is not just the title of a masterpiece but something very, very current.

At 7.30 pm, at the Ex Rimessa Carrozze, the curators of the festival will be the protagonists: Babylon Theatres. Their “Foresti”taken from “The night just before the forests” by BM Koltès, is a national premiere that contaminates and alternates three languages ​​(French, Italian and dialect) between sign language and electronic music (and already here the intriguing dominates). Two voices (male and female) that run after each other and run after the notes played live. And everything runs after the body, the bodies which in turn speak. The show is part of the NO LIMITS accessibility project which runs throughout the festival.

Finally at 8.45pm at the Teatro Comunale the festival focuses on the popularity of an artist who has always given coherence, commitment but also lots and lots of quality to national prose. We’re talking about Lella Costa who this time transforms into Giovanna (D’arco). Con “Giovanna. The maiden, the young girl, the lark” Lella Costa offers her most admired and ironic version. Everything has been said and acted about Joan of Arc in and outside the theater but Sister Lella will certainly find something new and curious for a woman who has marked history (from proto-feminism onwards). The text is embroidered from Verdie’s pieces performed at

piano four hands by the young composers and pianists Betsabea and Elia Faccini.

“Joan of Arc – explains Lella Costa – is one of the 99 valiant women that I sing in my show, If I can’t dance… it’s not my revolution – writes Lella Costa -. There I chose to imagine in a few sentences her fear of In this reading with Gabriele Scotti we have instead done a work of weaving together the many biographies that have portrayed her, even very different and discordant ones, the Lark of the playwright Jean Anouilh.

To conclude the first Sunday of the festival, from 9:30 pm the music expands to Piazza Fruet, a temporary summer space and hub of the festival, with Luciano Forlese and PROPAGANDA as part of the Abbassa!

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