Modena Weather, forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 3 July

Modena Weather, forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 3 July
Modena Weather, forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 3 July

Wednesday 3 July in Modena are expected unstable weather conditions with light rain for most of the day. Temperatures will remain cool, with values ​​ranging between +16.2°C and +22.3°C.

Overnightthere will be scattered clouds with a temperature of +18.9°C and a cloud cover of 38%. The wind will blow from the South East at a speed of 6.9km/h.

In the morningthe sky will be overcast with a cloud cover of 95% and temperatures will be around +21.5°C. The probability of rain will be 69% with wind gusts up to 14.9km/h coming from the North East.

In the afternoonlight rains will be more intense with 100% cloud cover. Maximum temperatures will be +22.1°C with wind gusts up to 19.3km/h from East – North East.

In the eveningprecipitation will continue with 100% cloud cover. Temperatures will drop to +16.2°C with wind gusts up to 24.4km/h from the East – North East.

Based on the weather forecast, it is advisable to pay attention to the weather conditions and to bring an umbrella and a waterproof jacket to face the day. For the next few days in Modena, similar weather conditions are expected with possible light rain and cool temperatures.

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