L’Aquila Weather, forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 3 July

L’Aquila Weather, forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 3 July
L’Aquila Weather, forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 3 July

Wednesday 3 July in L’Aquila is expected to be a day characterized by changeable weather conditions. The early hours of the morning will be characterized by scattered clouds with cloud cover varying between 20% and the 40%Temperatures will remain around 13-14°Cwith a light breeze coming from the East – North East with speed around 6-7km/h.

During the morning, the weather situation will tend to worsen, with an increase in cloud cover that will reach peaks of up to 94%Temperatures will gradually rise until they reach 22-23°Cbut the humidity will be quite high, settling around 50-60%Precipitation is expected during the morning, initially in the form of light rainwhich could intensify during the day.

In the afternoon, the rain will become more consistent, with precipitation that could reach a moderate intensityTemperatures will remain stable around 21-22°Cwhile atmospheric pressure will tend to decrease slightly.

The situation will continue to worsen during the evening, with rains that could persist and intensify. Temperatures will drop slightly, settling around 15-17°Cwhile humidity will remain high, around the 90%.

Based on current weather forecasts, we recommend paying attention to weather conditions and equipping yourself adequately to deal with possible heavy rain. For the next few days in L’Aquila, rainfall is expected to persist, with temperatures expected to remain at similar values ​​to those of Wednesday, July 3.

All weather data for Wednesday 3 July in L’Aquila

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