Overcoming ghettos

Overcoming ghettos
Overcoming ghettos

Allocated in April 2022, the approximately 100 million euros destined for the municipalities of the province of Foggia, coming from the Pnrr, to definitively close the inhuman ghettos, are still at a standstill. This morning, in the Prefecture, the Extraordinary Commissioner appointed by the Government Maurizio Falco met with the parties involved to understand the path to take.

On July 11th, Prefect Falco will meet the Government to which he will ask for the scope of action and any flexibility in the use of resources. Meetings will follow with the municipal administrations involved to speed up the use of resources. A watchful eye comes from the unions:

“We are confident that the meeting of the technical table held in the Prefecture of Foggia with the participation of the Government’s extraordinary commissioner for overcoming illegal settlements, Prefect Maurizio Falco, can accelerate the interventions for the use of the PNRR resources. We are available for any form of collaboration and concerted sharing and we believe that the projects for the elimination of ghettos in Capitanata must include a comprehensive system of reception and inclusion”.

This is what Gianni Palma, general secretary of the Cgil Foggia, Carla Costantino, general secretary of the Cisl Foggia and Luca Maggio, provincial coordinator of the Uil, affirm: “It will be necessary to review the timing for the formulation of projects for the use of the almost 114 million coming from the PNRR for the fight against the exploitation of workers in agriculture and the overcoming of settlements in the province of Foggia. At the same time – Palma, Costantino and Maggio point out – it will be important to technically support the Municipalities, affected by the presence of ghettos in their territories, in the drafting of the projects”.

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