Waiter from Catanzaro, Feltri apologizes to Mayor Fiorita

Waiter from Catanzaro, Feltri apologizes to Mayor Fiorita
Waiter from Catanzaro, Feltri apologizes to Mayor Fiorita

Live on Zanzara, the broadcast directed by Cruciani and Parenzo, Vittorio Feltri apologizes to the Mayor of Catanzaro Nicola Fiorita

IN THE END, Vittorie Feltri’s apologies in Catanzaro arrived. Although decidedly through gritted teeth. The occasion was provided by Cruciani’s ‘La Zanzara’ which made the journalist and the mayor of the capital Nicola Fiorita ‘talk’ – let’s say.

The background, for those who missed it: two days ago on the Giornale’s social media, Feltri commented on a photo in which the new Avs MEPs appeared and to mock Ilaria Salis and her clothing he called her “dressed like a waitress from Catanzaro, just the lowest thing you can imagine.” The mayor of Catanzaro, Nicola Fiorita, immediately announced his intention to sue the journalist. And yesterday, Fiorita himself published a video on his social media, in which the waitresses of Catanzaro themselves respond to Feltri («long live the waitresses, long live honest work, long live Catanzaro» ).

But let’s get back to Zanzara. Cruciani dismisses Feltri’s statement as a joke and first asks Fiorita. She calmly explains that she finds differences between the statements of those who do satire and those who make opinion, like Feltri, and that there are times when you have to make yourself respected. Feltri is then called, for a sort of long-distance confrontation with Fiorita. The journalist, at first, doesn’t even think about apologizing,

“Can’t we mention the Maids of Catanzaro? Are we crazy? So I have to apologize to the housewives of Voghera too? But what do I care about the maids of Catanzaro, they are like the ones in my house – he says – They are not dressed like Sofia Loren, try to understand things. But then what do I care about Catanzaro, it’s a figure of speech. And who knows the mayor of Catanzaro, if he gets offended then the mayor of Voghera should do the same”.

READ ALSO: Vittorio Feltri, fuck you from the women of Catanzaro

Then, however, with the ‘mediation’ of Cruciani and Parenzo, Feltri concedes: «If the mayor was offended, I apologize, but I don’t understand the reason for the offense, what did I care». They ask him if he doesn’t want to go to Catanzaro, to seal the ‘peace’. «I’ve already been to Catanzaro and it’s not even bad» comments the journalist. For Fiorita the incident is closed and there will be no appendices in court.
“Having received the apology from Vittorio Feltri live on the microphones of La Zanzara – Radio 24 by Cruciani and Parenzo, given the prickliness of the character, does not erase the bitterness and indignation but at least it attenuates them – he comments after the broadcast – Feltri never apologizes, Raggi knows something about it, and if he decided to do so, even if through gritted teeth, it means that he understood that he had made a big mistake. That’s enough for me. But we must not make the mistake of lowering our guard in the defense of our land and our children”.

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