Behind the failed Meloni-Schlein duel are Italy’s woes

There are things that alone describe Italy as a whole, especially its defects. The Schlein-Meloni “face-to-face” affair is an emblematic case. A story in which there is truly everything in it, from the political world but not only. Because there are all the little things and problems that each of us has to deal with, every day.

The story is easy to summarize; given that this electoral campaign also interests Italians less than the national anthem, they sing badly from Al Bano, the great thinkers have been calling for a clash between the Prime Minister and the opposition leader for weeks. After a long debate, the press release arrives: it will be done, from Bruno Vespa. From that moment on the storm.

Let’s leave aside those who said that Vespa was not super partes and therefore was the wrong conductor, from that moment there was a 360° mobilization to blow up the whole thing.

Starting from Rai itself where the party of those who wanted to be in place of the historic presenter of Porta a Porta would have done everything to spread landmines and obstacles along the way. Similar (and more understandable) envy of the other television networks who were already thinking about what to broadcast against the prime time duel between the two. There was speculation of the millionth screening of Pretty Woman on Rai, Don Camillo and the Honorable Peppone on Mediaset, a documentary on penguins on La7, and the best of Morgan on X Factor on Sky.

Let’s not talk about politicians.

The excluded appealed to the mother of all excuses: Par Condicio. A law created 30 years ago against Silvio Berlusconi in a world of information and communication 3 geological eras behind today. At the time we had mobile phones with paid text messages, today there is artificial intelligence. But the law remains, ridiculous then, imagine today where, in addition to being wrong, it is truly out of date. It is therefore even more surprising that among those who have sided against the face-to-face there is also Forza Italia which for decades has attacked the rule of “everyone must have equal consideration on TV during the electoral campaign”. Yes, because in the end, as in everything, we went before a judge.

Because for everything in Italy there is a judge to appeal to: TAR, Civil Courts, Court of Justice in The Hague, the UN, sports justice and why not, even that of the Vatican, everything is fine: the important thing it’s finding someone who can “in the name of the Law” stop this or that. Thus the state works stop but also the small things of a condominium (the neighbor’s tent, the veranda upstairs, the grill of those who live on the ground floor with a garden); we are the country of appeal, in 99% of cases simply out of envy.

So an audience was requested from Agcom which decided: a majority vote is needed between the 8 political parties that will be present on the ballot paper. And the vote was taken; 4 are in favor (Pd, FdI, Lega and Italia Viva with Renzi still in agreement with Giorgia Meloni… many maliciously point out in Rome), 4 are against (M5S, Forza Italia, Action and left). Result: no majority, no duel..

One last note. All the politicians in favor of the Meloni-Schlein prime time clash are saying that a historic opportunity has been missed “because for the first time two women would have faced each other…”, as if that was the central issue and not the two visions of Europe and international politics. I remain of the idea that equality, of whatever type it is, will have been achieved when for example the male or female gender (as in this case) is not “news” or even “The News” but something not to be not even having to underline.

So on May 23rd we risk having to endure a mega live broadcast on unified networks with all 8 contenders, with a national TV host, and also the VAR to control the duration of the interventions. Luckily there are streaming channels where you can find Pretty Woman…


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