you can bring dogs and cats

Emergency Scenario 3 is experienced: the highest. On May 31st, part of the population of Pozzuoli and Bagnoli will be evacuated. How to apply as a volunteer.

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Evacuation drills for bradyseism at the Campi Flegrei next Thursday 30th and Friday 31st May. The Civil Protection, as part of the bradyseism exercise program, will implement a national exercise with theevacuation of the population of Pozzuoli and the Bagnoli neighborhood in Naples (on May 31st only), to test it scenario 3 of the expeditious plan, i.e. the maximum alert plan, which provides for the national mobilization of the Civil Protection system and precedes the declaration of any state of emergency.

Simulated evacuation on May 31st for the inhabitants of Pozzuoli and Bagnoli

Volunteer citizens who reside in the new city will be able to participate in the tests “restricted intervention zone”, colored purple in the new map of bradyseism, which includes part of the municipalities of Naples and Pozzuoli, the one where the ground rise is greatest. The participants they will also be able to bring pets, such as dogs and cats, with them. The notice was published on the institutional websites, aimed at residents of the affected areas, interested in participating as volunteers in the exercise. The exercise of 30-31 May follows that of 22 April, in which the scenarios 1 and 2. In October there will be an evacuation due to the risk of volcanic eruption in the Campi Flegrei.


Emergency Scenario 3 is experienced: the highest

It will therefore be possible to concretely see how the evacuation procedure works in the event of an emergency due to bradyseism. The scenario 3 it is triggered in the presence of seismic swarms that produce collapses and damage to buildings or infrastructures in multiple points. It does not depend, therefore, on the magnitude of the earthquakes, but on the type and quantity of damage caused. In this case, the population will be invited to leave their homes and be moved elsewhere.

Campi Flegrei, magma 5 km from the surface: the risks of the supervolcano explained by the expert

How evacuation works

On May 31st the transfer of a part of the population from the Bagnoli district will be tested and of Pozzuoli outside the intervention area. The exercise will last from 8.00 to 17.00. Anyone who resides in the intervention area for bradysimo and wants to participate voluntarily in the exercise on 31 May 2024, will be able to fill out the form published on the websites of the Municipality of Naples and Pozzuoli, inserting name, surname, telephone, email, municipality and road to which you belong and indicating whether and how many pets to bring with you. The request must be submitted by May 27th at 12.00.


The acceptance criterion of the request for participation will be both chronological and geographical, relating to the roads included in the“area of ​​intervention”. The Campi Flegrei Decree, DL 140/2023, has identified the “intervention zone” in the areas of the municipalities of Pozzuoli, Bacoli and Naples (District of Bagnoli and part of the municipalities of Soccavo/Pianura and Posillipo) most affected by the bradyseismic phenomenon and therefore from seismicity and ground deformations. Within this area, a “restricted” intervention zone has been identified, in which the greatest effects could be recorded in a widespread manner, if the bradyseism phenomenon were to continue or intensify.

The “restricted” area was identified on the basis:

  • of the location of the epicenters of seismic events with a magnitude lasting greater than or equal to 2, which occurred in the Phlegraean area starting from 1983;
  • of lifts equal to or greater than 30 cm since 2015 (approximately 45 cm since 2006) and includes part of the municipalities of Pozzuoli and Naples (Bagnoli district). It includes a total population of 33,653 people and a total (estimated) number of residential buildings of 6,929.
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