strike by Gsa Fincantieri workers in Ancona to obtain the same salary as colleagues from other companies

strike by Gsa Fincantieri workers in Ancona to obtain the same salary as colleagues from other companies
strike by Gsa Fincantieri workers in Ancona to obtain the same salary as colleagues from other companies

The 31 workers of the Integrated Services Group who carry out firefighting activities under contract at Fincantieri in Ancona, have proclaimed a state of agitation and a strike to have the same salary as their colleagues who work, also under contract, at Fincantieri with other companies.

These workers, in fact, carry out the same tasks but have higher wages as a result of the application of the CCNL signed by FILT CGIL – FIT CISL – UILTRASPORTI. The meeting that will have to decide the date and method of the strike is scheduled for May 21st.

The crux of the matter is that the GSA company has signed a CCNL with an independent union which applies much lower rates and is stuck until 2012. But, after the workers signed up to FILT CGIL, a performance bonus was obtained for 2023 but the problem of a decent wage has not been resolved, like workers in other companies.

The union, strengthened by Legislative Decree no. 19 of 2024 according to which in private contracts equal pay must be applied for equal tasks, requests the adjustment of salaries as happens for their colleagues who always work within Fincantieri.

The Servizi Associati Group is a multi-service company that operates in the field of fire prevention and has many contracts: in the Marche region, with Autostrade per Italia, Grandi Stazioni, hospitals and in the Marche Region. For this reason, the union, in addition to calling the strike, will ask for a meeting with the Marche Region for the application of the contract of the most representative organizations to the workers of the contracts they refer to, as has been done by the Tuscany Region.

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